Guys i must say
KSwatches is one of the best dealers i've ever had
He speaks fluent english and thats soooo good, trust me i had chinese dealers which you could not understand or you must think three times what they mean

also he answers so fast its unbelievable also for the packages itself he is very fast to send them. But what i like the most is the friendly conversations with him! He is really into watches and not only selling them! We had like a bunch of emails and its really like to talk with a fan of watches and not a dealer. Its really a great experience to be honest

because its not like at other dealers where you are just a "number" no here you are really a customer and he cares for his customers. Also he makes the same prices as the TDs even he gets down with the shipping! Its way cheaper than TDs (they often want 60 dollars plus).
I really can recommend him/them. Also again thank you for the 15202 watch! Without you i could not finish the review that fast (and yes i paid for the watch so no sponsorship or something)

I hope you get a TD someday! You deserve it

also i hope the brexit will not destroy the whole business would be really a shame becaue UK to my country is fast and safe would be really hard to get watches to my country if uk really goes out without the Schengen agreement
Anyways i will order again

also thank you for your great service! Always a pleasure to get an email or write an email to you
Also from my review i quote myself
"It all started with his US Stock of the JF 15202. I wanted to purchase the watch but the watch got damaged during transport to UK (see his post in the forum) after some E-Mail exchange (trust me he is a great guy). He ask his supplier if he could get a new one for me (because he wanted to see a review too and supported me in that way) his supplier said he did not had any stock because only the "big" guys got stock and the release of the 15202 is very limited. Ok, i thought "thats it" (it was short after Christmas) but then i got an E-Mail from
KSwatches that his supplier got one and if i really want it (ofcourse i paid for it) because even he said the printing is shitty which is great for a guy who sells watches (very honest i like that) i agreed and bought it just for this review here and to see it compared to my two quartz versions. Then his supplier said the movement had an defect and the datechange is not working he need to exchange it with the factory (me and my luck

), so after that he got another one this one works now (was send short before CNY) arrived in UK he tested the watch and send it to my location here in Germany."
I think that says it all about the great customer service!