I fixed my bezel without even disassembling it. After checking seals, I figured WR would be enough for a run under the sink at least.
I started by giving the watch a thorough cape cod polish (this also smooths out the bracelet like an oil bath). The oil in the cloth tends to get under the bezel and help it move more, it seemed to soften the glue in the click assembly too. After this, it actually rotated, not easily, but it wouldn't even budge beforehand.
After this, it was rinsed with lukewarm water and mild soap. I rotated the bezel a bit while it was beings washed off. This made it move very freely. However, it seized up in 2 hours when the glue dried again.
To finally fix it one last time, I rinsed the watch, put one small drop of 95% alcohol at 12, and one at 6, and twisted the bezel until it felt smooth. I'd be very careful to avoid the crown, or HEV with the alcohol, or let it dry on the watch. Keep it wet during this step for the safety of the seals.
After the bezel felt smooth, I used some mild soap to clean the watch. During this cleaning, I spun the bezel around quite a bit, to let the soap remove any residue left in the mechanism. I then dried it off with a microfiber towel, and once again, spun the bezel around to remove some water.
It rotated well all night, and 16~ hours later it's still extremely smooth, and clicking accurately!