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Bond Skyfall or Bond At 50 Omega


I'm Pretty Popular
Comments. . . ok, here goes. . . I can understand a movie tie-in with some movie, or TV show, on a cheap product, or a Happy-Meal, because the idea is. . . well, rather cheap, in a tawdry sense of the word. However, an attempt to make a movie tie-in with an expensive product seems silly. Further, it does not reflect good quality. A quality product should stand on its own merit, not needing the assistance of . .. well, of Jame Bond.

See. . . you really didn't want comments.:cheers:

I see where you are coming from, totally, now here comes the BUT....

I fell in love with watches as a 9 year old, almost solely because of Sean Connery easing back his cuff and showing us the 6538 lit up by his cigarette lighter in the film Goldfinger. I've loved watches, Aston Martins, and all things Bond ever since. The power of the big screen........

Is it childish for a grown man to wear what his screen idol wears? Maybe, but then maybe on another level, it's childish for grown men to wear copies of 'real' watches.

Boys and their toys......


Renowned Member
Skyfall! I saw Ultimate version with Skyfall decorated rotor and looks through caseback at Trevor!

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Renowned Member
Also the difference in 90$, but the more you pay the better you get. Expensive one has ceramic bezel and correct caseback and Swiss ETA, while the cheaper one has Asian ETA And incorrect caseback

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Renowned Member
+1...what he says about Ryan (InTime.co) Faster shipping, better prices. All TD's source from the same factories so versions are usually the same no matter the TD.

I own the Bond 50th...fantastic rep with one flaw, the crown is hard to screw down. You get used to it, but most everyone who has it (...from various TD's) reports the same issue.

Almost all TDs can get you either one. I would recommend Ryan.

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Horology Curious
trevsdad, I have read some of your posts in regards to the Bond 50th. Have you considered replacing the crown to correct this issue? Any other flaws with the piece? How is the movement and weight of the piece?


Renowned Member
Actually I think the problem is with the tube not mounted correctly or it just doesn't have enough threads. Either way, yes I intend to get it fixed and probably do some franken on it if some gen parts ever surface. Problem is the gen Bond 50th has a limited release each year (...currently hard to find any AD's with available stock) and that's going to severely cut the availability of used or new gen parts.

The 2982 movement is killer! I haven't had time to regulate it so it runs a little fast, but after a good wind, the reserve goes on for almost 3-days. Weight is good for a 41mm, but I suspect the gen bracelet is supposed to be a little heftier...hard to tell cause I haven't had a chance to inspect a SM bracelet up close yet. However, the bracelet is impressive smooth, comfortable and good quality for a rep.

trevsdad, I have read some of your posts in regards to the Bond 50th. Have you considered replacing the crown to correct this issue? Any other flaws with the piece? How is the movement and weight of the piece?