I would buy the watch as a Rep made by GF (Factory name) and buy a Gen Strap. I use a great eBay seller
time-trader-no1 in the UK even though I am in the USA.
I see this is your first post. I gave you all the info to buy the watch. First, do your homework so you understand the process of buying counterfeit watches. This is not Amazon. Here are some links to get you started. I would highly recommend you spend at least two weeks reading before placing your order. I was a Noob 3 years ago and I know you just want to place your order.
Here are some other links to make you feel comfortable. Take your time, read and use the search feature. When you first join it is a bit overwhelming. You will be fine in a few weeks. The first two links will help you understand the process of buying a Rep watch. It is not Amazon. You will need patience. If you do your homework RWI members will be more than happy to give you some direction.
Puretime’s domain is
Don’t use Google to find our Trusted Dealer websites. You will get scammed by a fake site.
Puretime’s domain
Intime's domain:
Don’t look for Trusted Dealer websites via Google. Only go to TD’s here on RWI.
Here is the link for Super Reps
How to buy your first Rep
Link to “Which Factory Is The Best On Making Replica Watches ?”