Looks like a button which will turn you into a power ranger if pressed Close!
A Anopsis I'm Pretty Popular 5/8/09 2,899 1 38 23/2/11 #21 QinetiQ said: Looks like a button which will turn you into a power ranger if pressed Click to expand... Close!
QinetiQ said: Looks like a button which will turn you into a power ranger if pressed Click to expand... Close!
W Watchmaster87 Getting To Know The Place 1/2/09 26 0 0 23/2/11 #23 Oh man. I want one yesterday! I really want to mod a watch like this, the "ring of fire" effect is so cool.
Oh man. I want one yesterday! I really want to mod a watch like this, the "ring of fire" effect is so cool.
B blueradish I'm Pretty Popular 17/3/07 1,028 245 63 27/2/11 #24 Played with the crystal today, don't think I like it. The stock crystal showcases the ring of fire effect the best, will likely end up using it.
Played with the crystal today, don't think I like it. The stock crystal showcases the ring of fire effect the best, will likely end up using it.
MrYesterday I'm Pretty Popular 3/12/10 2,360 12 38 Itinerant 27/2/11 #25 This is WICKED, BR. Can't wait to see the finished product.