Youre hiding from the fact that I am right about the CG, its okay Mr. Expert, everybody makes mistakes.. Just grow some balls and admit it. Btw gym doesnt help grow balls
Listen you pos if you want to talk shit to me do it over pm you stupid little girl.your disruption to this thread is pissing people off gtfoh no1 like you your a stupid little troll coward that hides behind a keyboard
Youre hiding from the fact that I am right about the CG, its okay Mr. Expert, everybody makes mistakes.. Just grow some balls and admit it. Btw gym doesnt help grow balls
Yes the CG for a pint.becacse they are steeper the gen flares out at the top more.but the tube does look short to me
mate please don't indulge members into this non value added discussion again. Members respect smoke here and if you don't, its your take. Please don't try force or guide people as per your opinions.
If members here like your opinion or smoke's, let them take their decisions.
You post your opinions the way you feel and let members decide whether they agree with yours or smoke's or who so ever's. Don't drag smoke or any body here if they don't concur with yours. No two people are same and so are their opinions. You should get that and respect others. Hope I'm polite enough to not hurt you or your insights in any way and we don't get into hot talk again.
Stay safe n be happy. Life is way more beyond this V2 or V2s imho.
You're right bro, in this pic the crown does appear to protrude more.
Maybe because the tube sticks out a little from the case on the gen like you noted.
Yeah bro.but I think it's not really an issue.the insert numbers on this example look deep and fat compared to the v2 and the prototype is sending more pics asap .as I would like to know for sure what is actually shipping
Is this the new zzf?
If this is, the serial number issue is no longer there..
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And lastly the clasp maybe updated and feel alot better than it currently feels so we wont need to use arf glidelocks
So we need to wait and see going off pics is ok.but we need the live watch in hand or nice live pics
Don't worry Gilli is getting one , and is doing the definitive review on the watch once recieved .He's an absolute expert on the Hulk because his mate owned one and he has toys in his garage
I might add toys that the rest of us can only dream of !
Listen you pos if you want to talk shit to me do it over pm or to my face you stupid little girl.your disruption to this thread is pissing people off gtfoh no1 likes you or cares about what bs you have to say,your a stupid little troll coward that hides behind a keyboard I promise guys I will not respond to this dick again and get this back on track.
So I just got a pic of the new a version and it's not looking good.supposedly the s version is identical to the v2 only difference is the new insert .and that new insert is supposed to be the same as the prototype hulk insert I received months ago.but looking at this pic the cg have been made worse looking super short almost forming the shape of a point
And the insert colour on the s version is great the same as my prototype. But they have made the engravings way way too deep and thick.compared to my prototype and the v2 version. Let's hope this is just a bad example due to qc will be getting his qc team to hook me up with some pics to check if they really went backwards on this s version.
Don't feed the troll, bro