Getting To Know The Place
- 27/11/19
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I went back and examined LI's insert pics in the first post of this thread more closely and you can clearly see that the marker cutouts for the numerals are slightly deeper and thicker than the gen. The bar cutouts at 5,15,30, etc do not look thicker to me, nor do the mini-bar cutouts for single minutes. But on the numerals, the 1 looks thicker, and the thickness is really apparent if you look at the size of the green rectangles inside all of the zeroes. It's not off that much, but the extra depth and thickness that smoke saw indeed indicates it's noticeable to the eye and once we see it we can't unsee it. I'm hoping it will be like the ARF LN GMT insert which is also too deep but looks quite good on the wrist anyway. I won't ever be putting mine next to a gen. Pics credit to Li jtimewatch
I agree that slightly thicker is better than thinner. And anyone whose ever had a Spongebob mod knows that the way he chamfers the top of the cutout walls where they join the insert flats makes the markers look slightly thicker all the way around. So I believe this will be OK, for most of us.
You guys do realize these photos are mixed up. LOOK AT THE BEZEL TEETH ON NOOB. It's a ZZF. And zzf is a noob.. c'mon guys