The whole watch thing is funny.
But it is funnier how he first couldn't pay for the tax because the credit card machine did not work.
They took him to a bank, but the ATM withdrawal limit was too low. So he walks into the bank to find it is closed.
They drive him back to customs to find the Customs agent with a new credit card reader....
idk but I find it hilarious.
You would be surprised to know how many times this actually happens... Client of mine was controlled by customs and found to be driving a vehicle registered in his name in a non EU country. This is a customs violation in the EU if you are a EU resident. Client used a EU resident but was not a EU resident anymore and had evidence to prove that has was not a EU resident. Problem is he failed to do the paperwork and was still registered as a EU resident.
Customs officers offered him the option to pay a 950 Euro transactional fine instead of following the legal procedure of them seizing the vehicle and him challenging it in court with the vehicle remaining seized for the duration of the proceedings. Of course, he chose to pay the fine. However, the only possible payment method was cash so they drove him to three ATMs (first 2 did not accept the withdrawal for some reason) before he was able to get the cash.
Incident lasted 4 hours in total during which his wife and kids (including a 6 months old baby) remained stranded in a highway toll booth area.
The worst is that, aside from not (allegedly) notifying the change of residence, he did nothing wrong and was not actually in violation of any customs regulation. Customs officiers told him that they had already notified their hierarchy when they ran the check for his residency status and that although he had paperwork proving that he was not a EU resident, there was nothing that could be done at their level. They were bound to either follow the procedure and seize the vehicle or settle the matter through a transactional fine. But yeah whatever they say to justify the shakedown. Things would have gone a lot differently if he was not driving such a nice car.