Post in thread 'APSF new RM-055 with DD super clone movement release' They arent stickers, youre just displaying the typical rep guy behavior of reading something somewhere and parroting it over and over
2)They objectively look better. Its okay, you can prefer the objectively worse and cheaper looking watch. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but that doesnt make everyone right.
3) Unfortunately i cant really turn off “ai” on the iphone 16 camera.
Yes I'm just parroting but it does seem that there is some basis to it unless there has been proof otherwise?
Geninuely if you have the knowledge it would be useful to have a detailed breakdown of why APSF is superior to ZF, the forum always needs content about technical matters and analysis. I'm happy to always learn.
I can see you won't really care but being abrasive and condescending won't really make friends here.
Enjoy the watch, it looks good.