Sir, I think it’s still early to say, without having the end product in hand. This may as well be a prototype, but it’s more likely the real thing. Still, until we can measure it with calliper thickness will be open to speculation. I’d say it’s a bit too thick, but possibly a good base for a 15202 franken or just a highly modded rep 15202 that would require thinning of all 3 pieces of metal plates - midcase, bezel, caseback. I’d rather take off the silly deco plates as a trade off for a thinner piece. Bracelet seems a great effort, as always.
Dial doesn’t seem to be better than the usual 15400 offerings. And the hands pinnons are too wide, but that’s to be expected with a base 9015.
Overall, not a bad first attempt. Certainly a good base to work on
P.S. The crown is for once the proper size, unlike all other 15202 attempts (bar the now extinct mbw model) which all have short fat crowns