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anyone else have the feeling some of this gets too expensive


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Well I got an email recently about a rep that costs over 300 bucks. And I know there are varying qualities and such but more and more are all asian in build and I'm not sure how much value it actually has. Also a lot of these 'ultimate' watches have issues that will never be addressed because the actual watch in china probably costs about $65 at most to produce. I mean, I'm into cars also and one of my cars I could actually get a fully rebuilt custom transmission for around $350 so buying a replica watch at that much $ makes little to no sense at all. I'm happy with what I got so far, some of my reps cost over $200 and that was pushing it but I just wanted the right rep. But these days, especially with so many asian movements and asian eta copies available I just can't really go ahead and plunk down that kind of money on a watch. I'm probably in the minority here though. It's a cool hobby but it definitely has its limits.

Matt Watch

I'm Pretty Popular
I'm still having fun at it - i understand what you are saying. It all comes down to understanding what you can afford and how many watches do you really need. I have tons of friends that have the same Gen Rolex, Pam, Omega, Cartier for years and no one thinks anything of it. I think our obsession runs away with us.

There is no good reason i bought over 30 watches in the last 5 months, getting 5 sometimes in a week. It's kinda stuip. However, I love it.

Getting all of my dream watches at he same time - Wow.

If you order one a quarter the price becomes almost transparent.

Just my thoughts.



sorry who are
Staff member
Not everyone approaches this hobby the same way.

I do not buy very many reps. I keep the mindset that I can only wear one at a time and given that, is what I want to purchase going to really compete for wrist space with my favorites that I wear frequently? If the answer is no, I dont buy it.
I try to wear something to the point that I am no longer fascinated by it, then I sell or trade it to get something that has really been turning me on lately.

Other people will buy everything that looks great to them and worry about wrist space later. These are what I like to call "members who have shiny object syndrome". If your goal is to buy 3, see which of the 3 you like the most and sell the other two (or 1) that is not a bad way to do it, but who is kidding who here... :mrgreen:


Put Some Respect On My Name
I still buy some 21j mvmt. watches. I am not one of the guys that has to have the perfect rep. I fully understand that aspect of this great hobby, but it is not my goal. I find that even with a rep that has glaring flaws, the only people that can tell is the AD and you. I do not lose any sleep over the imperfections, and I have never in all my years used the chrono on any of my watches. If you can live with it, see Stan at WBK. Then you can test drive numerous watches. If you find one that you really love then maybe step up to a nicer version. I have done this a couple of times. Plus you get the added advantage of dealing with a truly good guy, Stan at WBK will take good care of you, and if you don't see what you want just PM him and he will find it.


Put Some Respect On My Name
daytona4me said:
Other people will buy everything that looks great to them and worry about wrist space later. These are what I like to call "members who have shiny object syndrome". If your goal is to buy 3, see which of the 3 you like the most and sell the other two (or 1) that is not a bad way to do it, but who is kidding who here... :mrgreen:

I am so guilty of this it's not even funny, especially when my wife sees that another package has been delivered. :wink:

I'm getting better though, I have been thinning out my collection lately.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Yeah that's true it is cheaper than buying gens. It just gets irritating when you're buying a $300 watch and it falls apart within the first 2 weeks owning it and you get shafted by the little watch repair places in the area and pretty much can't do anything about it since it is a replica. Well I was getting ready to make a move on a beautiful rep that was up there in price but then I was like hold on a minute, I still haven't bought a couple big parts for one of my cars, I think that is more important than an overpriced rep. Problem we have is I've read around on these boards for a while and it appears that if you go to the source of these, sure you can get your $10-$15 reps but they will be the same $30 reps you can buy from suppliers if you do a couple google searches. But those $200+ reps go for at least $160-$200+ over there too. And I don't really understand fully why that is, I doubt the labor is any more expensive for a more pricey watch than that of a cheap one. I'm not sure how they do QC over there, but it is a little better on the more expensive watches but they have no OSHA over there and also whoever is doing QC probably is one of the head guys running the show and probably doesn't really pay workers more if they make a better watch than another factory. I have a feeling someone is just getting fat over it, especially when they start raising prices.


Legendary Member
there is no doubt about it, watch collecting is an expensive hobby. I try to narrow to the watch companies I really like and I thought that my rep buying was nearing an end until I discovered the Pam's just recently...like someone already said, quality over quantity...maybe focus on one or two really nice modded watches instead of having a boatload of mediocre ones. Of course I want both LOL...the fun part though is reading and learning from other members, at least that is free. :D


I'm Pretty Popular
@D4M. When I first got into our weird little hobby, I'll admit I had the syndrome you described. But as I got more into the hobby its sort of evolving. I like watches in general more, appreciate them more and buy alot less. I bought a gen and will probably buy another for a x-mas present to me. But I have definitely stopped compulsively buying, I buy things I really like. I don't know how some of the other guys that have been around for awhile feel. It's not that I'm losing interest either, I like seeing the new guys get jacked up at all the stuff they find, buying 5 or ten watches and not believing they paid only 1,500.00 bucks.

Sean K


Legendary Member
The newer super reps are way to expensive I think and I don't buy those, maybe I would if there was a gurantee of quality but that ain't happening any time soon. I think a nice rep with gen ETA movement is pretty much gonna be as much as far as I'm going beyond that I go for the gens because to me price wise it ain't worth it. Now of course the reps do have many advantages like the guy who doesn't know WTF he wants, reps can save him plenty. I know this guy who thought the end all would be a gen Daytona, the watch he would have forever and never need another, well ends up he buys the a nice Daytona rep, really a nice watch it looked great, but after having it a few days he began to hate the chrono hand and cluttered dial that served no purpose he needed. So for him buying the rep saved him tons of cash, imagine if he bought the gen only to discover he hated it sure he could sell it but for a couple hundred he discovered a chrono wasn't for him. For me the reps are fun and they allow you to have a few more watches then you may be willing to spend on the gens alone, lets you try out a few diffrent models, and doesn't kill ya if you don't like it later and decide it not for you. I think it a nice way to enjoy many watches most of us would never buy.

Matt Watch

I'm Pretty Popular
Yes your right sub4me,

Test a rep before you buy the gen.

That happen to me for my Birthday last year. I thought i wanted the Gen-2006 Rolex TT with black face. So my wife bought it for me and I was happy till July 07 when I joined RWI. Then i bought all my dream watches to test like-ability fron Ruby, Andrew and Davidssen, Everyone. Now i cant remember when i gave that Rolex TT and wrist time. All of my Gen's sit in there orginal boxes. I know I would of bought at least three Gen's of the 30 reps i have saving about $20,000 - At least that's how justify in my mind.

Others are right also about breakage after three months - i have not experienced that yet but i hear it happens a lot.



Put Some Respect On My Name
cybee said:
I discovered the Pam's just recently...like someone already said, quality over quantity...

This is the great thing about PAM reps, Cybee. You can have both!


Put Some Respect On My Name
sub4me said:
For me the reps are fun and they allow you to have a few more watches then you may be willing to spend on the gens alone, lets you try out a few diffrent models, and doesn't kill ya if you don't like it later and decide it not for you. I think it a nice way to enjoy many watches most of us would never buy.

This is the biggest reason why I like reps so much. Of course there are a couple watch that I consider my all time favs, and would be perfectly happy owning one or two of them, but I get bored. I like being able to buy, sell, and trade when I want something new.

I also like having one of two watches for every situation; work, play, a night out, I can own a different watch for each.

There is alos the "Big name, small price" theory, which is an added bonus. :wink:


Active Member
I am trying to keep myself to a budget of 2 watches per month. As I started buying reps on the last week of September, bought 2 mid October and just got 2 this week in November I am technically keeping to my rules. But it sure looks like one a week on paper :oops:

Oh, and there is that sole great PAM deal that I got and haven't quite counted...............

Oh well [smilie=angel12.gif]


You're Saying I Can Sell?
The expense is all relative to your spending habits, and limits, I would suppose. You have members who collect in different ways. Your limits may seem like a lot to you, but then there are members (look up TANFO's collection here and on RepGeek or RWG) and you will see hundreds of pieces, literally. Why do you (are you) collecting? Is it to wear, display, or some other reason? Some just want that one watch (reasons shall not be discussed here - that is another post!), some want a few, and others crave many. To each their own. At 2 per month , you are well on your way to a great collection, lots of success with it!!


You're Saying I Can Sell?
amptor said:
Yeah that's true it is cheaper than buying gens. It just gets irritating when you're buying a $300 watch and it falls apart within the first 2 weeks owning it and you get shafted by the little watch repair places in the area and pretty much can't do anything about it since it is a replica. Well I was getting ready to make a move on a beautiful rep that was up there in price but then I was like hold on a minute, I still haven't bought a couple big parts for one of my cars, I think that is more important than an overpriced rep. Problem we have is I've read around on these boards for a while and it appears that if you go to the source of these, sure you can get your $10-$15 reps but they will be the same $30 reps you can buy from suppliers if you do a couple google searches. But those $200+ reps go for at least $160-$200+ over there too. And I don't really understand fully why that is, I doubt the labor is any more expensive for a more pricey watch than that of a cheap one. I'm not sure how they do QC over there, but it is a little better on the more expensive watches but they have no OSHA over there and also whoever is doing QC probably is one of the head guys running the show and probably doesn't really pay workers more if they make a better watch than another factory. I have a feeling someone is just getting fat over it, especially when they start raising prices.

Dear Amptor,
How are you? Your point is a good one that comes up from time to time. There are some members who say they actually KNOW the cost of the watches, but let's just agree they are less expensive than what we pay as the end user. As a rule of business, the end user usually bears the brunt of all the costs associated with the product, Business 101, right? I am NO fan of higher prices, but let's examine this. The dealers are making money, so are the factories, the shippers, even the guys who no doubt get paid to "look the other way" at any point during the process. The most palatable cost is that you are paying for a known quantity from a network which is black market (at best) with payment methods that are straight and secure with recourse (PayPal or credit card - for the most part) and communications and some form of return from the dealers. If not, then find another dealer. You could buy from CQout, or ioffer, but unless you do the same there, you could be in for a crapshoot. What is that worth to you? The FACT IS THE GEN WORLD WORKS THE SAME WAY, BUT WITH MUCH HIGHER NUMBERS.

I fully agree with you there is little or NO QC, so your recourse is to use a set of dealers (for the most part, again,) known and recognized by this, and other forums as reputable. They are in business (as is Rolex, Omega,Breitling, et al) bottom line, to make MONEY and profits, and will charge what the market will bear. The dealers are taking the cost of Customs issues, returned items, and QC where you point it out. More cost to the end user, no? Now - does the difference in price between the gen and your rep justify the price? Directly, perhaps not; but in the world we operate in, there seems to be enough people who are willing to pay the price to support the market as it exists, and its' present cost structure. If you were one of the people who LOST money, were scammed, or just went to sources that were less than what you find here, your point of view may be different. That is one reason why a "dealer boycott" ain't gonna happen, and wouldn't be effective, there are just TOO many people who are willing to pay to have reps, sometimes no matter the cost. Also, the quality and workmanship of reps has grown exponentially over the years. We (on the forums) haggle, complain, whine and compare things in such detail over our pieces with scrutiny even some watchsmiths don't look for, or at. Has anyone complained about the sizing of your Rolex date font this week, or the closed '4' on your Breitling rep? Again, is the price difference between the gen and our reps worth it? If you are buying any reps after your post, the point is made, is it not? For whatever the reasons, we support this hobby, so the best way to go in my own little opinion is to seek the best prices, quality and service one can find in your own budgetary comfort, and have at it. Although I don't feel an "organized" effort would ever move the market, I DO strongly believe natural market forces will. There is a limit (price ceiling, if you will) that the market will bear, and if prices keep rising to it , or above, sales will level off, if not drop - and the dealers will have to lower prices to attract buyers. Most of the marketplace for reps are NOT working with unlimited funds or we'd all be buying gens instead of reps. Ask yourself, what is my price limit? For me, it is $400.00 - I could not see myself spending more than that for a rep. For others, it may be more, it may be less. whatever it is, if the prices rise above that for the reps I want, I will either buy less, or none; and trade individually with reputable members from the forums.

So you see, in the end, as in life, it is all relative. Enjoy your collection, see you around.


Horology Curious
Just wanted to add my two cents worth. Someone above mentioned that even in Asia the nicer reps are still $150-$200 ... which based on my experiences in Hong Kong and my fathers throughout all of SE Asia (apparently Cambodia is a hot spot for replicas) is way off the mark. It does seem to be true that the $15-$25 reps over there are not the real nice quality I think most would expect here but for $40-$50 I've seen watches that at least superficially rival the quality expected of this community ... and I've never seen a watch that couldn't be bargained down to under $75 ... ever.

My father is returning from Asia in a couple weeks and I've already put in an order for the nicest Panerai and Timewalker rep he can find for a reasonable price which is under $50 in his parts. The woman he deals with in Cambodia (this is all hearsay, but he is my father) is apparently very open and readily discusses the flaws and relative quality of her watches. Apparently when he inquired about Panerai she showed him a few different models of varying quality that even my father who has never seen a Pannie in his life immediately noticed the striking differences.

Anyway, this is certainly not meant as a critique of any of the dealers here. They provide a great service at a fantastic price (relative to what is readily available) for those who don't have the benefit of trips to Asia or the time to go hunting around when they are in Asia, and many if not all of them must surely take multiple hits from customs seizures ... so keep up the good work. That being said, maybe I'll post some pics and a little review of any watches my old man brings back ... or if they turn out to be total crap, maybe I"ll just slink back off to oblivion and pretend none of this post happened.


Known Member
Yes, I think these things are a little too expensive, but it's all relative. Until you can find a better price for the same product, the prices are very good.


Known Member
Ohh I have seen the "SWISS" versions of some watches at $1,200! Are these the SAME watches as the $250 versions???