I hope ILOVEYEEZUS does not mind, but I'll post an inactive link so that we do not fill pages of this great thread with requests for PMs.
https:// world.taobao.com/item/544006629311.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4004-2130150684.24.BsYB9j . Let's start posting more inactive links so that we can keep it clean and easier to search.
Since there seems to be a lot of interest, my research on reddit showed that in terms of design, the black t-shirt is 1:1. The only flaw they found was the material of the t-shirt - much thinner compared to gen. But for $28 compared to the ridicilous $450, I think it is a steal no matter what.
I can understand asking $500-600 for designer sneakers, but $450 for a damn cotton t-shirt is a f***'n joke - they used to cost $150-200 just a couple of years ago. Damn, a super rep costs $350, and these guys have worked night and day to build it. I really hope we see more 1:1 reps on clothes, they f***'n deserve it.
Haha did not mean to turn this share of a link into a rant, but I am really fed up with all these brands in the last two years, so I need to blow up some steam. It is not like anyone makes me buy their crap though.