Any good VR headsets for an iPhone 6 Plus?
With the memory foam tips they come with the isolation is fantastic. Just as good as the gens.
I wouldn't think the rep ie800 would be that good, but maybe they are. I can tell you the rep ie80's will take parts from the gens like the ear tips and cord.
Not sure how you define good and what is your VR experience/expectations but this is a quite popular headset (Cardboard Idea based)
Seems like the leather and bag wrinkles from OC also is hit or miss.
Ordered the IE80's from the same store you did, they directed me to their another store. The other store had them for 29 euros and some change.
One last question :nerd: The bass adjustment screw: is the screw locked between the least bass and the most bass position OR does it continue to rotate indefinitely? And while adjusting the bass is the funtion completely smooth or is there click's between the marks?
Got my keepall 55 from old cobbler as well today. Not hugely impressed. The printing of 55 on the underside of the strap gives it away straightaway.
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Has anyone seen a store with really cheap Chuck Taylors?
I go through shoes like hot knife through butter and usually end up buying six or seven pairs a year; this is really expensive when you're talking low-end shoes like GH Bass oxfords, so I've been thinking about trying to find something basica nd super cheap like Chuck Taylors...
I used to get these on iOffer for $18-20 a pair and they were great. But not been able to find any in a UK11 that have any reviews for ages
Whats up with it? Mines spot on
Did yours smell really bad when it arrived?
The worst thing about the bag for me, is that I have to keep it stuffed to hold its shape