Quick question to everyone who ordered prescribtion glasses. How did you meassure the PD for yourself
Haven't been on for a while so a bit late to answer this. When you choose the frames at your opticians you will sit across from the technician and look straight ahead, she will reach out with a rule at arms length and measure from centre or perhaps from left side of each pupil to the other (once) and that's your PD. I measured mine in a mirror at half an arms length and got iirc 62.5mm.
Lets think about this. The tech., out of half dozen in the shop making up your order may have long or short arms, you may wear your glasses (the point of the ruler) close to or a few more mm from your face depending even on the size of your nose.
As the PD gives the lens/glasses assembler a centre point of the lens in relationship to the frame this has to be an average for use because if you look at something 300mm (1 ft) from your nose you are looking through a different part of the curvature than if it is an infinity gaze.
What I am saying is your wife/significant other at arms length or half your arms length via a mirror will be as accurate as the tech., in the shop. My wife got mine at 63mm, I got it at 62.5mm
If you can get the measurement from your optician at the time of your test that would be good but don't worry too much about it if taking the measurement yourself.