This store has a lot of chanel bag: found a good seller of rep Chanel bags? Thanks.
guys, when i tell you that gens & reps all come from the same factories you needa believe me i know this shit
whereas most people are convinced that a made in italy bag is made by old skilled craftmen hand stitching it mm by mm..
Sorry, but what DHL mess?
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So you are telling the crappy LV belt or bags I have bought in the past are from the same factory? I guess we can just stop this thread and everyone can buy from anyone on AE. Find that hard to believe.... So I will wait for reviews from users here on how products are from certain stores on AE
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no offense, but either you have misunderstood my words or you are deliberately twisting it to mock me.So you are telling the crappy LV belt or bags I have bought in the past are from the same factory? I guess we can just stop this thread and everyone can buy from anyone on AE. Find that hard to believe.... So I will wait for reviews from users here on how products are from certain stores on AE
What size did you get? Is it proper down?
European brands have the zipper on the left side (or atleast the North european ones like Helly Hansen, Haglöfs, Peak Performance and Fjällräven). It´s weird for us buying Timberland and such, since it´s on the womens side over here.
So, there is no womens side on clothes. Just different models for different countries!
no offense, but either you have misunderstood my words or you are deliberately twisting it to mock me.
I meant to say that the gens for all garments, clothes, shoes and accessories for a lot of major luxury brands come out from factories in china.The same factories which also sell what we buy as better quality replicas. Mostly those items which do not pass QC for whatever reason.
made in italy, made in france, made in dafuqistan are merely a label they put.
crappy reps are just crappy reps. full stop.