Guys, relax. I've been part of this thread for hundreds of pages now, and have placed countless orders and shared my experiences and I get annoyed at the "link please" comments when the products, and links were discussed to great length a few pages back. I'm guilty of sending the odd "link please" message myself too, and the error is in the structure of the thread. It's not gonna happen (admins have already said no) but if we had a sub forum with separate threads for each product/category, it'd make for a much better experience and we'd avoid this jumbled mess.
But if somebody is on their mobile phone, fetching the link (especially if you use the app) is a royal pain in the ass... It's actually easier for somebody to just do a thread search for "Polo shirts".
The Polo Shirts were discussed at great length, on many many occasions throughout this thread. Pictures of quality comparisons to the gen have even been shared, and discussions on sizing. Everything you need to know about the product is a search term away, but it's too easy to just pick up at the last page of a long thread like this and read forward.