It's really fugly! Not gen-like at all!
If you want really good quality LV (and other luxury brands) reps, try this seller: [email protected]
Some items aren't listed in catalogs, so, search for them on the LV site, then send to Sandy the reference # and ask if she can get it for you.
Feels like some kind of cross between cotton and a bit of polyester. I believe gen sweaters are coated in some kind of water resistant coating so it feels similar to gen.
Yes but if you ask them and they say real leather and you receive pu you have a better case ti open a claimThere's only one thing that bothers me with those Leather goods, you never know if it will be PU Leather or real leather, even if you ask the seller.
Hi, can I check if you have bought anything from this seller? This seller seems to have everything well stocked. Don't mind paying more for a good quality for sure.
I ordered an item but the seller has come back to say it is out of stock and to open a dispute to get a refund. When I do it says I have to wait to open a dispute until 5 days after the seller marks the item as shipped, which they've done. Is that right? I have to wait 5 days to do?
Do you guys have the PayPal debit Mastercard? I set up my AliPay account with my PayPal MC Debit so when I purchase I just enter my password and AliPay pulls it from PayPal into escrow. Once I confirm package received the seller gets paid. I had a package arrive with goods damaged and filed a dispute stating item arrived damage and requested $10.00 refund and received it.
This is a great deal on a decent bluetooth speaker. I paid $45 for it, but on sale at $28 I will buy another. Obviously wont beat those bose ones, but the sound quality is excellent. Only downside I can say is that the Bass isnt as deep as I like (but that could be a positive or negative).
Anyways theres only a limited number at this price, and when converted to £ its an amazing deal.
Wearing what now?
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Ah that's cool to know let us know in time if it's still holding up good hehe.Super quick update... Just got my chinese Elephone P8000 via DHL today and WOW this is an awesome phone for the money ($170). Its a little bit heavy, but it is a 5.5" screen. Its maybe the same weight as my dads Samsung S5 or very slightly heavier. I do a thread about this after I get it all set up. So far..... LOVE IT