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A cautionary tale....


I'm Pretty Popular
Jimmy, I'm a noob here, just like yourself.

I've had to learn pretty quickly to lower my expectations. Because the watches we buy say 'Omega' or 'Rolex' on the dial, we get swept up in the idea that we're buying something special - we're not.

If you bear in mind that even when you spend $300 - $400 on a rep, it will be thrown together in an apartment by children, the inside of the watch will most likely be dirty and unlubricated, and will always have some issue or another. I've read reviews of 'perfect' reps, but I've still never seen one.

I'm glad you're being philosophical and chalking it up to experience, 'cos that's what you'll need to do pretty much the whole time.


Renowned Member
Can I chime in here? Let me first say that yes, the rep game is a hit and/or miss venture, and one should never expect gen like quality. In this case though the OP had a specific question about a specific QC issue that he perceived in the photos (which as we know is the point of the picts to begin with). The OP goes on to say "TD said to his eyes the lume looks perfect and the issue is with the quality of his photos". At that point the OP has to trust that it is in fact the photos, and not a QC issue. In this case we are talking about lume. If we told a dealer that the bezel looks scratched in a QC picture and was told that it's just the photo, how would we feel when it showed up scratched? Wether or not you can see a flaw without a loup is not the point (where I sit). These folks are TDs for a reason, yes?

I will take my flogging off the air :)


Mythical Poster
Can I chime in here? Let me first say that yes, the rep game is a hit and/or miss venture, and one should never expect gen like quality. In this case though the OP had a specific question about a specific QC issue that he perceived in the photos (which as we know is the point of the picts to begin with). The OP goes on to say "TD said to his eyes the lume looks perfect and the issue is with the quality of his photos". At that point the OP has to trust that it is in fact the photos, and not a QC issue. In this case we are talking about lume. If we told a dealer that the bezel looks scratched in a QC picture and was told that it's just the photo, how would we feel when it showed up scratched? Wether or not you can see a flaw without a loup is not the point (where I sit). These folks are TDs for a reason, yes?

I will take my flogging off the air :)

We also need to remember that dealers are not necessarly native English speakers, and might choose the simplest way they know to express something.

Maybe what the dealer meant is that it's because they're looking at macro pics that the flaw seems so obvious, and that in his opinion it's not noticeable enough in real life condition to justify a replacement.

Just my .2 :)


I'm Pretty Popular

Personally, I would not accept a $200 Planet Ocean with a visibly bad lume job. Without pics though and without knowing whether this is a $100 watch or a $200+ watch it's hard to make a blanket judgement about accepting or not accepting a watch.

When I pointed out a flaw, Silix pulled the old "oh, no the bezel is aligned - it's just one click off in the pic". I get the watch and the bezel is not aligned. Lesson - I won't use Silix again. To be fair, it was a $35 special but they should of handled it differently. They could have told me that all the special watches might have little issues and I would have either said yes or no but to be lied to just so the sale goes through was quite annoying to me.

I've used Trevor several times now and he had no problem getting me different watches for QC issues - like a chono hand not resetting to 12. Why he sends me pics of watches with glaring QC issues I don't know. (To me a chrono hand not resetting properly on a $200 7750 watch is not acceptable.) But he swaps them for a better one without a complaint so I continue to give him my business.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Now listen, I've read your story and I get it, I really do but next time you order go into it with very low expectations..........don't ever think your getting a quality item, you not.

These watches are for fun only and I would strongly suggest to never spend more on a rep then you willing to throw away.

Thanks for the reply Sub. This wasn't my first rep - that was a PO from Reg - and I only ordered that after spending weeks and weeks trawling through the fora so I had an idea of what to look out for when looking at the QC pics for this model. As a result, my expectations were, I think, suitably low but I was expecting a watch of the same standard as other members had received from that TD. I've since learned that lume doesn't necessarily come into the equation.

Jimmy, I'm a noob here, just like yourself. I've had to learn pretty quickly to lower my expectations. Because the watches we buy say 'Omega' or 'Rolex' on the dial, we get swept up in the idea that we're buying something special - we're not.

Cheers Davy. Although I realise we're not getting watches anywhere near the quality of the gens but, as someone pointed out in another thread, we generally get a solid watch with a reliable movement for a lot less than you'd pay for some quartz thing with DKNY, Diesel, etc printed on the dial that you'd pick up from a department store.

Can I chime in here? Let me first say that yes, the rep game is a hit and/or miss venture, and one should never expect gen like quality. In this case though the OP had a specific question about a specific QC issue that he perceived in the photos (which as we know is the point of the picts to begin with). The OP goes on to say "TD said to his eyes the lume looks perfect and the issue is with the quality of his photos". At that point the OP has to trust that it is in fact the photos, and not a QC issue. In this case we are talking about lume. If we told a dealer that the bezel looks scratched in a QC picture and was told that it's just the photo, how would we feel when it showed up scratched? Wether or not you can see a flaw without a loup is not the point (where I sit). These folks are TDs for a reason, yes?

I will take my flogging off the air :)

Thanks Stamsd. The scratched bezel scenario isn't really comparable as that would be defined as damage whereas assessing the quality of the lume is subjective and is about QC. Like I said, my regret is not making the TD aware that I am a member here and one or two posters have supported my theory that I may well have got a different watch if I had.

We also need to remember that dealers are not necessarly native English speakers, and might choose the simplest way they know to express something.

Maybe what the dealer meant is that it's because they're looking at macro pics that the flaw seems so obvious, and that in his opinion it's not noticeable enough in real life condition to justify a replacement.

Just my .2 :)

Cheers Wiz. I did consider this and his correspondence had suggested that English wasn't his first language but it was always clear what he was saying in his emails.

You may well be getting a PM from me in the next couple of months....!


Personally, I would not accept a $200 Planet Ocean with a visibly bad lume job. Without pics though and without knowing whether this is a $100 watch or a $200+ watch it's hard to make a blanket judgement about accepting or not accepting a watch.

Sorry Ajs - I won't be posting the QC pics as no doubt the eagle-eyed amongst you will be able to tell who the TD was! Also, I wasn't fishing for views as to whether I should or shouldn't have accepted the watch - I did accept it and I'm happy to wear it (in fact, I haven't taken it off yet and will get it tested for WR this week). I was making the point about fora members maybe receiving higher grade reps than Joe Public.


I'm Pretty Popular
I didn't suggest posting QC pics. And you did also ask the question:

"Should I have walked away? Or should I have accepted the word of a Trusted Dealer who said that the lume was - and I quote - “really perfect “?"

Still, it's hard to understand the whole situation without pics and knowing what grade of watch we are talking about. I'm glad you are happy with the watch. Get it super-lumed some day and then it will be perfect and upgraded.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
I didn't suggest posting QC pics. And you did also ask the question:

"Should I have walked away? Or should I have accepted the word of a Trusted Dealer who said that the lume was - and I quote - “really perfect “?"

Still, it's hard to understand the whole situation without pics and knowing what grade of watch we are talking about. I'm glad you are happy with the watch. Get it super-lumed some day and then it will be perfect and upgraded.

Sorry Ajs, misunderstood about the pics, I thought you meant the QC pics. And those questions were more rhetorical than literal - at least when I had them in my head anyway!

I may post a review of the watch, as opposed to the purchase, at some point but probably after I get it relumed, a sort of before-and-after.


Active Member
United Kingdom
QC = Quality Control. Why send the pics in the first place if we cant trust them ? Yes., we are all aware that no rep is ever going to be perfect but if the QC pics can be off and not fit for purpose why bother sending them ?
Others are right though.,; lume is a difficult topic


I'm Pretty Popular
I've never bought a watch from a TD without telling him/her that I'm from the forum.
Therefore, I can't really make a valid comparison whether telling them about the forum is actually better. My initial thought was, I guess like everyone else, they would make every little effort to satisfy me, but it was not necessarily the case.
I've gotten really crappy watches that are not even worth wearing. Spelling mistakes all over. For example, on the back it read "antima gnetic". Well, this one was a cheapie at 70. My other watch had the date wheel misaligned. When I told her that after I got the QC pics, she simply changed the date and told me it was alright, it was just an angle. Turns out, there were certain dates where it was aligned properly and most of the other dates were terribly misaligned, not to mention ink blobs on the date wheel. When I told her of my concerns, she simply said, it's an easy fix, you have to live with reps, and all.
All in all, who knows? The TDs may have enough customers outside from the forums, after all. I'm sure we are very picky about every little detail compared to other people.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Very picky mate! Beggars can't be choosers I guess.


Legendary Member
I would always mention your from our forum when buying. Now thats not gonna gurantee you a perfect watch and since most dealers drop ship it probably won't effect the quality of the watch you get but at least the dealer will pay attention to your order knowing your from here.

You can buy form the same dealer over and over and still get shitty watches. I think most dealers could give a F, they send what they have and don't really care about small details and count on the fact most guys aren't gonna send the watch back or complain.


I'm Pretty Popular

Personally, I would not accept a $200 Planet Ocean with a visibly bad lume job. Without pics though and without knowing whether this is a $100 watch or a $200+ watch it's hard to make a blanket judgement about accepting or not accepting a watch.

When I pointed out a flaw, Silix pulled the old "oh, no the bezel is aligned - it's just one click off in the pic". I get the watch and the bezel is not aligned. Lesson - I won't use Silix again. To be fair, it was a $35 special but they should of handled it differently. They could have told me that all the special watches might have little issues and I would have either said yes or no but to be lied to just so the sale goes through was quite annoying to me.

I've used Trevor several times now and he had no problem getting me different watches for QC issues - like a chono hand not resetting to 12. Why he sends me pics of watches with glaring QC issues I don't know. (To me a chrono hand not resetting properly on a $200 7750 watch is not acceptable.) But he swaps them for a better one without a complaint so I continue to give him my business.

Well as far ad Silix goes, they still said the same thing for a watch that cost over 200.
At least theyre consistent!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Hehe I knew someone would mention that :)

Not beggars per se but for those expecting perfection or close to perfection like a gen from a rep (bearing in mind the price difference between the two can be huge), that statement applies quite well.


Athletic Supporter
The Evergreen State
Hehe I knew someone would mention that :)

Not beggars per se but for those expecting perfection or close to perfection like a gen from a rep (bearing in mind the price difference between the two can be huge), that statement applies quite well.

Poetic license applied. Works for me.


I'm Pretty Popular
Hehe I knew someone would mention that :)

Not beggars per se but for those expecting perfection or close to perfection like a gen from a rep (bearing in mind the price difference between the two can be huge), that statement applies quite well.

I get your point in saying one's expectations of getting a rep. I've never expected a gen-like quality from a rep as well. Maybe I'm not poetic enough, but I still can't see a connection between a beggar and a rep buyer.
Beggars are people who "beg" and get things for free.
Rep buyers are people who "pay" and get things for what they have paid for.
If you've said "you get what you pay for" then yes; but beggars? really?