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A cautionary tale....


You're Saying I Can Sell?
A cautionary tale....?

I enquired through a TD’s site as to the availability of the 5GPO (either to accompany or replace my POrikaa, not sure yet) with the black bezel/orange number combo on Monday 3rd September. I received an email back later that day saying, yes it is in stock and I should order through their site. I placed the order immediately, along with a request for QC photos, and paid via Paypal on Tuesday 4th once my order on the site had been updated with the relevant Paypal payee details (I didn’t receive an email as indicated in the order process).

By the afternoon of Saturday 8th I hadn’t received any communications so I asked if QC pics were available or had the watch been shipped (I paid for express delivery and our initial correspondence suggested a 4-5 day delivery from placing the order). The TD replied by saying that the model I ordered was out of stock but he had the model with the white numbers. Slightly annoyed, I agreed to this as, to be fair, it was a 50/50 call which one I went for in the first place.

The QC pics followed quickly and the first thing I noticed was that the lume on some of the hour markers was over-filled, so I asked if he had one with better-applied lume. I was promptly informed that this was a beginner watch so it did not have ‘super-lume’ and that if I did not accept this then there was nothing more to do other than offer me a refund. Before I could reply, this was quickly followed by an email from the TD that said to his eyes the lume looks perfect and the issue is with the quality of his photos.

Should I have walked away? Or should I have accepted the word of a Trusted Dealer who said that the lume was - and I quote - “really perfect “? Well, my impatience and noob-ness won - I told him I would trust his judgment and accept the watch.

My biggest regret? No, it’s not trusting his word and accepting the watch. My regret is not telling him in any of my correspondence that I was a member on this and other rep fora, as I feel if I had done then I may have received a watch with a better quality finish like some of the examples I have seen on here and RG.

This is by no means intended to be a rant, rather a warning to others and maybe a gentle reminder for me the next time I place an order.


Mythical Poster
Sorry but on this one I agree with the dealer. If he's looking at the watch in person, not magnified 20X and can't see any problem, why should he get you another watch that will probably be exactly the same.

These are reps and to expect absolute perfection is foolish.

Maybe you should post the pictures and then you may or may not get the answer from the forum members that you want.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Sorry but on this one I agree with the dealer. If he's looking at the watch in person, not magnified 20X and can't see any problem, why should he get you another watch that will probably be exactly the same.

These are reps and to expect absolute perfection is foolish.

Maybe you should post the pictures and then you may or may not get the answer from the forum members that you want.

My point is that the lume isn't the same standard as some other members' versions of the same watch. The TD took the photo himself so I would assume he would have at least looked at it before emailing it to me, no?

Please enlighten me as to where I have expected absolute perfection? I clearly stated this wasn't a rant - what answer is it you think I'm looking for?


Mythical Poster
My V5 PO has imperfect lume. Some are better than others. But I didn't expect the TD I bought it from to go hunting with a loupe for that 'perfect one' out of how ever many might have slight defects.

With reps you are never going to get consistency. That's the nature of the rep business. If you're really bothered with it then get it re-lumed. If you dwell on macro images then nothing is going to satisfy you. Mine is on my wrist right now, do I know the imperfections are there? Sure, can I see them as I type, with my head about 12 inches away. Not a chance.

You MAY have received one with better lume, but that watch MAY have died within a month of wearing. You MAY have had one with perfect lume but the crown threads MAY have stripped after 3 weeks. You never know.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Bad lume

I turned down a watch that had poorly applied lume
why bother with QC pics if were not expected to refuse the item
i'm with Jimmy P on this one.


Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
BOTH of you are wrong. Read the two posts by people who have been here longer than you have. LUME is something that is a hit or miss on most watches purchased from rep factories. Even some modders don't get it perfect. Do you expect the TD to carry a loupe in his back pocket, when he picks up your watches ? QC pics are not sent to you so you can disect lume. It is for glaring flaws that can be seen with the naked eye. For example, a marker that is crooked. A Crown that is bent. A Bezel that has a scratch. Those are the things you look for in QC pics. Not lume from a macro shot.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Thanks for the comments. I'm not trying to split members into camps, I was trying to get across how I may have received a watch with better lume if I had mentioned that I was a member on here. After all, it's not entirely inconceivable that TDs could reserve their higher quality stock for RWI members and supply Joe Public with their normal run-of-the-mill reps, is it....?

Bonesey: you're right - I can't see the imperfections from 12" away and I'm not going to let it bother me (too much!). And no, I'm not expecting the TD to go hunting with a loupe but he provided a hi-res image for the purposes of quality control and when I quite reasonably questioned the lume he said it was down to his inability to take a decent photo and the lume was "really perfect". Like I said, I could have just walked away. As it stands, I probably will get it re-lumed at some point.

I'm not looking for blood here, after all I got a damn good watch for not much money - I'm simply pointing out where I believe I could have done myself a favour.


Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
Jimmy, I doubt that. This is not a club where members get better treatment. The TD's offer a good service to everyone.


My regret is not telling him in any of my correspondence that I was a member on this and other rep fora, as I feel if I had done then I may have received a watch with a better quality finish like some of the examples I have seen on here and RG.

I doubt it. Getting a rep is like buying a burger at McDonald's. Assembled haphazardly by children and fired out to the customer without a second look. Doesn't matter who you are, they aren't paying enough attention to care.

I was in the middle of a lukewarm review of a TD that he was aware of and would have had a chance to redeem himself, but I still got 2 sets of QC pics I had to reject, the same old arguments about it being perfect, and still had more flaws I had to fix when I got it in person. Being on the forum and having an active review discussion in process didn't make a difference at all.


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
...... LUME is something that is a hit or miss on most watches purchased from rep factories. Even some modders don't get it perfect. Do you expect the TD to carry a loupe in his back pocket, when he picks up your watches ? QC pics are not sent to you so you can disect lume. It is for glaring flaws that can be seen with the naked eye. For example, a marker that is crooked. A Crown that is bent. A Bezel that has a scratch. Those are the things you look for in QC pics. Not lume from a macro shot.

Jimmy, I doubt that. This is not a club where members get better treatment. The TD's offer a good service to everyone.
This, sir, is wrong. I know for a fact that dealers do spend more time choosing/QCing pieces for forum members as they know that we, in general have higher expectations than the average joe. Would it have made a difference in this case? I doubt it as lume is indeed of variable quality and if it looks OK from a foot or two (ie: the "real world" Fakey test) all is good especially on a cheaper watch.

For those unaware of this particular piece of Fakemaster wisdom here it is.


Wise words indeed.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
This, sir, is wrong. I know for a fact that dealers do spend more time choosing/QCing pieces for forum members as they know that we, in general have higher expectations than the average joe. Would it have made a difference in this case? I doubt it as lume is indeed of variable quality and if it looks OK from a foot or two (ie: the "real world" Fakey test) all is good especially on a cheaper watch.

This definitely makes sense. A forum TD can do himself a world of good by looking after a community of members who have become very knowledgeable about the product he is selling. This not a criticism of TDs, it makes sense for them to operate like this.

I now appreciate that lume can be hit and miss, I just wish the guy had said "Sorry chief, it ain't the greatest but that's the best I can do at the moment".

BTW, I've decided against doing a review of this purchase on the TD Review section as I think that my (what now appears to be) unrealistic expectations wouldn't present an objective view. I'm going to chalk this one down as experience and just enjoy the watch for what it is.


Time is Money $$
Socal Wine Country
I'm going to chalk this one down as experience and just enjoy the watch for what it is.

Welcome to the world of reps. That attitude will make your stay a lot more enjoyable. We ALL have been through disappointments. But it just becomes part of the hobby. :cheers:


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
Originally Posted by JimmyP
I'm going to chalk this one down as experience and just enjoy the watch for what it is.
Well said!

You will find that like most Chinese the dealer's don't do business the way the west does.
the answers you get to questions may not make a lot of sense until you learn how the Chinese do business. it's vital for your sanity that you don't expect the experience to be anything like dealing with places in the west.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Cheers Beemer & TrailBoss.

I guess this was about me airing that little niggle I had at the back of my mind - that I wish I'd at least told the TD of my membership on here - in case it had made a difference.


Hǝɐpᴉᴎƃ ꓭɐɔʞ ᗡoʍᴎ Ոᴎpǝᴙ
Staff member


Legendary Member
I'm not gonna get in the whole lume debate, its all been covered but I do have to say I would never order from any dealer without telling them I'm a forum member. Now if it helps or not I don't know because I've sure gotten my share of shitty watches or at least watches that are no where near perfect, infact every rep I've ever had has some issuse with it.

Theres no perfect rep (others will argue there is), if a problem can arise it will. If you get a rep that looks the part, runs within reason (keeps time), can be sized without breaking your doing good.

Now listen, I've read your story and I get it, I really do but next time you order go into it with very low expections, infact the only expection you get from buying here is you will get a watch. It may be the wrong dial, color, the bezel may not work, the hands may fall off, it may be dead when it arrives, it may break the next day, all the makers may fall off, or maybe only one will and will fall inside the date window F'ing up everything. Such it reps, I know it blows and I know its horse shit when you spend a few bills only to be disappointed but what you have to know is these watches are only made to look the part and never to perform as a gen, don't ever think your getting a quality item, you not.

These watches are for fun only and I would strongly suggest to never spend more on a rep then you willing to throw away.


I'm Pretty Popular
^^^^ good advice! One other thing I may add. If you have a great experience with a TD, do a nice little write up on the fora and email them the link. In my experience this really gets them to help you a little more in future purchases.

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