Thanks!Wow, this is a great budget build! What is the dial opening size on that case? I am also thinking about a 6538 and a 6541 (I know right...) build.
This case already has holes drilled right through - but their diameter is too small (this is the same on all the budget vintage cases from JKF and similar - although I’ve never thought to ask anyone why the factory doesn’t drill them the right diameter in the first place!).Really nice work. How do you drill the lugs? From the inside with a short drill / chuck or from the outside with a bit of guesswork?
The latter. I soaked a folded up sheet of kitchen roll in vinegar, microwaved it for a minute, put it in a large Tupperware container, and poured a load of salt onto it. Then I stood the hands (on cocktail sticks, stuck in blu-tack) on top of the steaming vinegar and salt laden folded sheet. I put the lid on and left it for about a day and a half.Did you actually submerge the hands in the vinegar or set in a tupperware and let it evaporate up to the hands?
Hey Holla. Yes, it sure did have an effect on the lume! Take a look at the macro close-ups of the hands, above. There's lots of pitting and bubbling of the lume that wasn't there before the process. Now, although I have no idea whether lume ever gets in this state in reality, I really like it - so I'm leaving the hands as they are. But if you want to avoid it, then yes - remove the lume before doing the salt 'n' vinegar treatment, and then apply it afterwards.Thank you! Did it have any aging affect on the lumen? Would you recommend scraping the lume off prior to aging and reapply after the vinegar bath?
That'll be really very interesting to see... Please post some pics!I think I might throw an old dial in with the hands to see what the vinegar does to that too.
The latter. I soaked a folded up sheet of kitchen roll in vinegar, microwaved it for a minute, put it in a large Tupperware container, and poured a load of salt onto it. Then I stood the hands (on cocktail sticks, stuck in blu-tack) on top of the steaming vinegar and salt laden folded sheet. I put the lid on and left it for about a day and a half.
n0bby Great job! Looks stellar.
P.S. Can you provide some suggestions on how to chamfer the edges? I'm looking to do the same, but have been nervous about it. Pictures would help. Thanks.
I might suggest to go for the high quality swiss file, for the flat and the semi ronde diamonf file. They will Outlast you, while the cheap ones are so rough and will fail eventually.
I might suggest to go for the high quality swiss file, for the flat and the semi ronde diamonf file. They will Outlast you, while the cheap ones are so rough and will fail eventually.
Thanks Redheart - I'm always looking for the excuse to upgrade from my cheapo amateur tools to something that makes me feel more professional (even if the results are still amateur...) - would you have any recommendations/links?