Getting To Know The Place
- 5/9/20
- 94
- 56
- 18
This sums up everything when it comes to rep choices.
It's true right? When I first joined, I found myself getting caught in the mix when it came to asking things like what dial colour was closest to real thing. It's easy to get caught in that mindset. The more time I've spent here, the more knowledge I've built and the more I realise who really cares what dial colour looks closest to gen. At the end of the day, it's me that's going to be wearing the watch and not someone else. If blue is closest to gen, but I like the grey dial, am I meant to choose the blue dial instead? No! Hell no! But I bet you a lot of people fall for the hype and pick up a watch that isn't their first choice. It's easily done and it's something I'm trying my best to avoid going forward.