9-11 was a life changing day for me, I remember every second, every single second. I had started vacation, loaded my girls ages 6 and 2 (now 18 and 14) to daycare because had a tee time at 10 am. I had the radio on Sports Radio 1310 The Ticket and heard the first plane insanity. I got home in time to see plane 2 hit the second tower and never left my seat for another 30 hours. I was in shock, in pain, angry, alone and scared, It was pivitol and a life changer. I will never ever forget 9-11. Especially George W's face when he was to the class room in Florida. I feel he is the 2nd president to feel like that and have to react. FDR was the 1st after Pearl Harbor.
My grandma was scheduled, ticketed and packed to fly to Seattle to take a cruise to Alaska on 9-12 2001, she didn't make that cruise until 2003.