CRK said:
Is that a carpet python? Cool snake none the less. Glad to here you are not one of those people who think every snake should be dead.
And a gold star to CBN in snake ID. Yes it's a small Carpet Python. About five foot this one but thsy grow to well over 12 feet.
The only snakes that end up dead here are large Browns and any Taipan around the house. Can't take chances with ones that can kill you before you get to hepl.
The other ones we get are redbelly blacks, they won't kill you (well, very unlikely) but damn they hurt! They grow up to eight feet or a bit more. That's a big venomous snake! Saw one crossing the road a few days ago near that big. You don't kill them either unless you have kids or small dogs because they keep the Browns away.
He now has a new home in the feed shed where it's nice and warm with mice aplenty to catch. Snakes are great to keep the bloody rodents under control.