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Best Rolex Deal Ever!! with Pics


Active Member
Thanks so much for the information...looks way scarier than crab fishing in Alaska that's for sure.

What is the largest animal you ever had to deal with at depth?

I think young Max is as claustrophobic as his dad...at age 12.


Put Some Respect On My Name
Actually Maxlove we do not consider it to be all that dangerous. We prefer to think of it as unforgiving. The thing to remember is there are a lot of people doing their jobs and looking out for you. When you have been doing this for a while you do not give where you are a second thought. 20 feet, 120 feet or 920 feet, if you spend time worrying about your safety you will never get anything done. Plus if something goes wrong there are plans for trying to get you back safely. You just can not worry about it. The most valuable thing to a diver is a cool head. If you are panic prone. you need to find another line of work.

Our favorite thing in the world is when something startles a diver and he inadvertently screams like a bitch! We record everything, so you will get to hear yourself for the rest of the job! LOL Nice pitch there Sally! :D

The biggest thing I have ever seen in the water were two whale sharks. We were working on a platform in the Northern Gulf of Mexico about 10 years ago. We were in an area called Green Canyon, which is just outside of the mouth of the Mississippi river. We were on the tallest conventional platform, the type that you think of, steel legs latice type supports. This Platform is called the Bullwinkle and it is 1745 feet tall. So it is in almost 1700 feet of water. We were surface diving the top 300 feet on inspection. The two whale sharks swam around the platform for the better part of a day. They were probably 40 feet long. Very docile creatures though.


Renowned Member
seventhexile said:
My friend just got back from China and brought a few rolex's with him. Sold each of them to us for $5, I just couldn't resist picking one up off him.

5 Dollar .. 5 dollar.. 5 dollar rolexxxx

Took some pics and then took it apart to see what makes it tick!
Enjoy. - Mind you I'm still trying to get the art of taking pics down.
I bow down in humility to the superior picture taking skills of those on this forum!

I sense some dose of sarcasm... is that not a Rqlex Qyster Rerpetual? Now let me go back to looking at Bertiling, Pqnerqi, and Omeqa...


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Haha! :lol:

How can I have missed this one. Awesome post. Thanks for a great laugh.



You're Saying I Can Sell?
i was laughing for a good part of five minutes after seeing those pics! the captions rlly were icing on the cake tho :D


I'm Pretty Popular
jv91 said:
i was laughing for a good part of five minutes after seeing those pics! the captions rlly were icing on the cake tho :D

Glad you enjoyed !

I still have this guy somewhere in my drawer at home.


Head Honcho - Cat Herder
Staff member
Para said:
I sense some dose of sarcasm... is that not a Rqlex Qyster Rerpetual? Now let me go back to looking at Bertiling, Pqnerqi, and Omeqa...

This is a great thread! We got two for one. A very funny "review" and stories from brtelec. Dude: I have nothing but respect for you guys. I have done "unforgiving" jobs in the past, I'm a part time fire fighter now but they don't come much more so than what you do. You're correct in saying it isn;t dangerous. As soon as a job becomes dangerous something is wrong. A TV news guy once asked me If I thought fire fighting was dangerous. I told him "not if you do it right". Haveing said that, you guys have the best case for implementing Zero Harm out there! :) Stay safe man, I've had a few insights and it's an amazing job you do.

If you kind folk will induldge me a rather long OT post brtelec's stories reminded me of a poem we read in about year 6 of school. The internet, being an amazing tool delivered it up from a single line of verse. It's by a fellow you may have heard of called A. B. "Banjo" Paterson, an Aussie poet of some standing. It was published in 1902 and tells of the Japanese pearl divers up north. Not a particualy happy poem but a good 'un all the same.

The Pearl Diver
by A. B. "Banjo" Paterson

Kanzo Makame, the diver, sturdy and small Japanee,
Seeker of pearls and of pearl-shell down in the depths of the sea,
Trudged o'er the bed of the ocean, searching industriously.

Over the pearl-grounds the lugger drifted -- a little white speck:
Joe Nagasaki, the "tender", holding the life-line on deck,
Talked through the rope to the diver, knew when to drift or to check.

Kanzo was king of his lugger, master and diver in one,
Diving wherever it pleased him, taking instructions from none;
Hither and thither he wandered, steering by stars and by sun.

Fearless he was beyond credence, looking at death eye to eye:
This was his formula always, "All man go dead by and by --
S'posing time come no can help it -- s'pose time no come, then no die."

Dived in the depths of the Darnleys, down twenty fathom and five;
Down where by law, and by reason, men are forbidden to dive;
Down in a pressure so awful that only the strongest survive:

Sweated four men at the air pumps, fast as the handles could go,
Forcing the air down that reached him heated and tainted, and slow --
Kanzo Makame the diver stayed seven minutes below;

Came up on deck like a dead man, paralysed body and brain;
Suffered, while blood was returning, infinite tortures of pain:
Sailed once again to the Darnleys -- laughed and descended again!

* * * * * *

Scarce grew the shell in the shallows, rarely a patch could they touch;
Always the take was so little, always the labour so much;
Always they thought of the Islands held by the lumbering Dutch --

Islands where shell was in plenty lying in passage and bay,
Islands where divers could gather hundreds of shell in a day.
But the lumbering Dutch in their gunboats they hunted the divers away.

Joe Nagasaki, the "tender", finding the profits grow small,
Said, "Let us go to the Islands, try for a number one haul!
If we get caught, go to prison -- let them take lugger and all!"

Kanzo Makame, the diver -- knowing full well what it meant --
Fatalist, gambler, and stoic, smiled a broad smile of content,
Flattened in mainsail and foresail, and off to the Islands they went.

Close to the headlands they drifted, picking up shell by the ton,
Piled up on deck were the oysters, opening wide in the sun,
When, from the lee of the headland, boomed the report of a gun.

Then if the diver was sighted, pearl-shell and lugger must go --
Joe Nagasaki decided (quick was the word and the blow),
Cut both the pipe and the life-line, leaving the diver below!

Kanzo Makame, the diver, failing to quite understand,
Pulled the "haul up" on the life-line, found it was slack in his hand;
Then, like a little brown stoic, lay down and died on the sand.

Joe Nagasaki, the "tender", smiling a sanctified smile,
Headed her straight for the gunboat--throwing out shells all the while --
Then went aboard and reported, "No makee dive in three mile!

"Dress no have got and no helmet -- diver go shore on the spree;
Plenty wind come and break rudder -- lugger get blown out to sea:
Take me to Japanee Consul, he help a poor Japanee!"

* * * * * *

So the Dutch let him go; but they watched him, as off from the Islands he ran,
Doubting him much -- but what would you? You have to be sure of your man
Ere you wake up that nest-ful of hornets -- the little brown men of Japan.

Down in the ooze and the coral, down where earth's wonders are spread,
Helmeted, ghastly, and swollen, Kanzo Makame lies dead.
Joe Nagasaki, his "tender", is owner and diver instead.

Wearer of pearls in your necklace, comfort yourself if you can.
These are the risks of the pearling -- these are the ways of Japan;
"Plenty more Japanee diver plenty more little brown man!"

Rio Grande's Last Race and Other Verses, 1902


You're Saying I Can Sell?
I saw the Gen today, and ere are the flaws that I noticed.

1. The "RQLEX" text is missing its lume. When you are in your farm in Yunan province, the only thing that shines at night are candles and the lume off the RQLEX logo. Even at night with no electricity, you need everyone to know you are blinging with your RQLEX.

2. The bracelets should be using letters instead of numbers. The Gens you buy at the AD will spell out your name with the bracelet links.

3. The Depth. 23k 30m? please. The gen is rated all the way to 30k 50m.

4. The case is a bit off. It should be a bit lopsided to the left.

Otherwise passable.


Active Member
I wore the same one into a gen dealer the other day, then proceeded to berate the clerk on how horrible his life was, then I scooted out of there in my 82 Porsche 924.


Known Member
Wow, my dad collects gens and very expensive ones, that's how I got into the darkside! I wish I could get one of these to show off in front of him!!

lol awsome post!!


You're Saying I Can Sell?
lol! I bet you never get called out on a watch of that caliber.


Advisor - Vintage Rolex
Western Canada
None of my reps have numbers stamped in the removable links :(

Mine must all be crap



Known Member
Well thanks to you guys I have found 2 beautiful real deal replica`s

I am greatful for the pictures posted here or I would have walked past these two beautys.


I looked on the back of the braclets and bingo! there I see the tell tale signs of a 100% rep, the numbers on the links...wow...so glad I read this post!!

I am very happy I found them, everyone here was so excited about the watch that I got all excited when I bought them.
Can you guy`s tell me if this is the 21 or 25 jewel version ? I`m a newbie so I can`t really tell.


Very very very happy with my new watches !!

Anne-marie :twisted: