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Good Bye!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Hi, this might be the last time you guys hear from me, but before I go, I would like to apologize to anyone or everyone that I may have hurt by my actions.

As I have already been banned from RG and RWG due to me pranking people over on Paneristi and them taking it a bit too personal, As I posted shots of my homages. But they have threatened rep forum admins that they might take some legal action for allowing me to post them here. All in all ;The great admins here, "Thank You for all the adwise and looking out for me, They also had the decency to contact me before they take any actions". Rather than me trying to login in too RG and RWG that I have been banned. I know I may have stepped on a few toes here and there and I would like to sincearly apologize for coming up too fast, as I had made some smart alec remarks on peoples watches without knowing much. Though I had been very lucky to have been apart of these forums as I have learned alot!

Thank You All

PS: feel free to contact me, email me at [email protected]


Legendary Member
I don't know what to say... only to wish you good luck (... and you aren't banned here).


I'm Pretty Popular
although i have no idea what went on, i wish u well and the only one banned here is taka, lol :shock: :lol:

just joking with u for some reason it popped in my head to make a funny :mrgreen:



Banned member, the goat does not approve
Don't take it personal,i get banned,suspended,asked back...all the time....suspended now from RWG1,it happens.... :lol:

Best of luck if it makes you feel like bailing....


I'm Pretty Popular
I haven't had the pleasure of knowing you... but sh!t man its just fake watches. We should all lighten up.


Getting To Know The Place
doctorron said:
I haven't had the pleasure of knowing you... but sh!t man its just fake watches. We should all lighten up.

Absolutely. Only women cream themselves over jewelry.


Getting To Know The Place

I don't know you and you don't know me, but if your ass was dumb enough to go over there and do what you did, you deserve to be banned from all of the forums. How many times do people have to post on the various forums about fucking with ADs and the Paneristi? Jeez, dumbasses like you cause us no end of freaking headaches. I usually don't get in the middle of this kind of bullshit, but hell man, your ass was warned when you went over there and posted pics of your reps. What the hell did you think was gonna happen when you went back and posted 'Homage' pictures. Just plain stupid, man. Stupid shit.

BTW, I realize they're JUST reps, but they're also JUST illegal, too. If this had been some Noob that had done this, you guys would be blasting his ass with both barrels right now. Shit, I'll probably get banned now for posting this, since you're apparently some type of modder for people here. One thing you seem to have on your side is Joe. Maybe that'll help you get to stay for awhile longer.


Getting To Know The Place
I'm not too sure what kind of headaches you are talking about. I suffer no compunction in purchasing, owning, or wearing these watches. They're just watches; it isn't as if I'm stomping around with a pocket full of blow and counterfeit currency. If Asad wants to post a photo of his creations so be it. I've seen pictures of hommages from other Paneristi members. Why is it alright if they do so? Why not Asad? He also owns a genuine Panerai, much like they other guys. Ultimately, no one is going to die. It's just jewelry. I don't think anyone is going to come beating down my door to give me a sound tongue lashing or ass whooping for owning an hommage/rep--because really, that would be hilarious.

gliptopolis said:

I don't know you and you don't know me, but if your ass was dumb enough to go over there and do what you did, you deserve to be banned from all of the forums. How many times do people have to post on the various forums about fucking with ADs and the Paneristi? Jeez, dumbasses like you cause us no end of freaking headaches. I usually don't get in the middle of this kind of bullshit, but hell man, your ass was warned when you went over there and posted pics of your reps. What the hell did you think was gonna happen when you went back and posted 'Homage' pictures. Just plain stupid, man. Stupid s**t.

BTW, I realize they're JUST reps, but they're also JUST illegal, too. If this had been some Noob that had done this, you guys would be blasting his ass with both barrels right now. s**t, I'll probably get banned now for posting this, since you're apparently some type of modder for people here. One thing you seem to have on your side is Joe. Maybe that'll help you get to stay for awhile longer.


Getting To Know The Place
Because when someone posts pictures on some gen site where they've paid 10-15k for a gen, the gen owners for some unknown reason seem to get pissed. They then somehow find a way to contact the gen dealers/ makers. The next thing that ends up happening is shit like the HBB ceramic bezel fiasco. You know, the factory steps in and makes it next to impossible to get the ceramic bezels for reps. That equates to $1k reps. But hey, you two guys own a couple of the gens already, so no worries if you have to pay a little more for a rep, right?

Just like I said earlier:

If ANYBODY else had pulled this stupid ass stunt, you guys (probably including you, superdeluxxe) would be blasting them for doing it because it might cause the rep prices to somehow increase. I've seen it too many times on this forum as well as the others. Just like you all have. Admit it and move on. Do a search on Bytor's posts and see what he thinks, or hell, any handful of other old-time forum guys for that matter. It's just plain damn stupid. He did it to stir up shit and ended up getting shit in his own face. End of story, whether he stays or goes.

superdeluxxe said:
it isn't as if I'm stomping around with a pocket full of blow and counterfeit currency

Tell the SecretService that and see how well that flies, genius. Illegal is Illegal (except for immigration from Mexico)


Getting To Know The Place
Fuck 'em. Pardon my french. I don't think the guys over in China give a rip about some watch maker who throws a fit. I've never gone and posted photos anywhere about any watch. I just don't care. Hasn't there already been an argument/suggestion about boycotting certain dealers because of inflated pricing? That's good old fashioned supply and demand. You don't like the price/product--screw them. Let's see what happens to their pricing model when they've got a nice surplus sititng around.

Whether or not Asad, or anyone else for that matter, does so to "stir up shit" is immaterial. It is pure comedy, though. Nice to see those bourgeois mofos get their panties in a bunch. Gives them something to do.

gliptopolis said:
Because when someone posts pictures on some gen site where they've paid 10-15k for a gen, the gen owners for some unknown reason seem to get pissed. They then somehow find a way to contact the gen dealers/ makers. The next thing that ends up happening is s**t like the HBB ceramic bezel fiasco. You know, the factory steps in and makes it next to impossible to get the ceramic bezels for reps. That equates to $1k reps. But hey, you two guys own a couple of the gens already, so no worries if you have to pay a little more for a rep, right?

Just like I said earlier:

If ANYBODY else had pulled this stupid ass stunt, you guys (probably including you, superdeluxxe) would be blasting them for doing it because it might cause the rep prices to somehow increase. I've seen it too many times on this forum as well as the others. Just like you all have. Admit it and move on. Do a search on Bytor's posts and see what he thinks, or hell, any handful of other old-time forum guys for that matter. It's just plain damn stupid. He did it to stir up s**t and ended up getting s**t in his own face. End of story, whether he stays or goes.


Renowned Member
LOL...I actually had an AD fix my rep less than a week ago. They did not even charge me for the service. Granted, it was just a crystal replacement...but they were very nice and courteous. I guess I am an idiot and they should have stomped my rep into a 1000 pieces....come on now...you are taking things a bit too serious aren't you? :roll: LAst I had heard, it was not illegal to own a rep.


Getting To Know The Place
In regards to the last comment of your posting. These fake watches are illegal. That's fine. But what about Cuban cigars? I see those bad boys coming in and consumed by all manner of people from the public and private sector on a daily basis. Hell, I smoke them too! You think the secret sevice is gonna squawk about some random cigars or a handful of watches?

gliptopolis said:
Because when someone posts pictures on some gen site where they've paid 10-15k for a gen, the gen owners for some unknown reason seem to get pissed. They then somehow find a way to contact the gen dealers/ makers. The next thing that ends up happening is s**t like the HBB ceramic bezel fiasco. You know, the factory steps in and makes it next to impossible to get the ceramic bezels for reps. That equates to $1k reps. But hey, you two guys own a couple of the gens already, so no worries if you have to pay a little more for a rep, right?

Just like I said earlier:

If ANYBODY else had pulled this stupid ass stunt, you guys (probably including you, superdeluxxe) would be blasting them for doing it because it might cause the rep prices to somehow increase. I've seen it too many times on this forum as well as the others. Just like you all have. Admit it and move on. Do a search on Bytor's posts and see what he thinks, or hell, any handful of other old-time forum guys for that matter. It's just plain damn stupid. He did it to stir up s**t and ended up getting s**t in his own face. End of story, whether he stays or goes.

superdeluxxe said:
it isn't as if I'm stomping around with a pocket full of blow and counterfeit currency

Tell the SecretService that and see how well that flies, genius. Illegal is Illegal (except for immigration from Mexico)


Getting To Know The Place
Additionally, I know guys in the secret service. They don't give a shit.

superdeluxxe said:
In regards to the last comment of your posting. These fake watches are illegal. That's fine. But what about Cuban cigars? I see those bad boys coming in and consumed by all manner of people from the public and private sector on a daily basis. Hell, I smoke them too! You think the secret sevice is gonna squawk about some random cigars or a handful of watches?

gliptopolis said:
Because when someone posts pictures on some gen site where they've paid 10-15k for a gen, the gen owners for some unknown reason seem to get pissed. They then somehow find a way to contact the gen dealers/ makers. The next thing that ends up happening is s**t like the HBB ceramic bezel fiasco. You know, the factory steps in and makes it next to impossible to get the ceramic bezels for reps. That equates to $1k reps. But hey, you two guys own a couple of the gens already, so no worries if you have to pay a little more for a rep, right?

Just like I said earlier:

If ANYBODY else had pulled this stupid ass stunt, you guys (probably including you, superdeluxxe) would be blasting them for doing it because it might cause the rep prices to somehow increase. I've seen it too many times on this forum as well as the others. Just like you all have. Admit it and move on. Do a search on Bytor's posts and see what he thinks, or hell, any handful of other old-time forum guys for that matter. It's just plain damn stupid. He did it to stir up s**t and ended up getting s**t in his own face. End of story, whether he stays or goes.

superdeluxxe said:
it isn't as if I'm stomping around with a pocket full of blow and counterfeit currency

Tell the SecretService that and see how well that flies, genius. Illegal is Illegal (except for immigration from Mexico)


Getting To Know The Place
One more thing, since I find this topic to be somewhat hilarious: there was a Paneristi who posted a question about what to do with a vintage Rolex he had. He considered either putting the movement in his current Panerai or making an hommage. Oh the uproar! Every response pooh-poohed the idea of swapping out the movement of the Panerai but they all supported the idea of making an hommage. So what's the difference? Is it okay to make an hommage piece with a Rolex movement but not with a movement that is more or less the same as that of all the basic Panerais sans the pretty decorations and such? Or is it because the poster was a known and regular contributer to the site while Asad was not?


Advisor - Vintage Rolex
Western Canada
well the issue here wasnt reps and legality.. thats not the question here. The issue was posting pics of reps and trying to pass them off as gens. Apparently its creating quite a stir across the boards..... we'll just have to wait and see how this pans out. Wether it was a 'joke' or not, i agree it wasnt the smartest thing to do and it really pissed off a LOT of gen panerai owners haha.



Getting To Know The Place
I don't think I read anywhere where Asad attempted to pose his non-Panerai watches for the genuine article. Aren't all the dials sterile? To reiterate my earlier about those gen owners who threw a fit: fuck'em. For example, do you think I get pissy when someone flaunts a fake designer suit or fake shoes in front of me? Depending on his demeanor and the quality of the product, I may commend him/her on their frugality. On the other hand, if the only quality about the article of clothing is the label splashed across the front...


Respected Member
Well as long as he was not attempting to sell them as gen, I could give two good shits who he upset at Paneristi. Now if what he was doing was trying to sell them as gen, that's another story, but from L-Ds post I am assuming that was not the case.


Getting To Know The Place
You know what? You guys are right. Since it seems that I'm the only one that gives a great shit about his joking around on the risti board possibly causing us problems in the rep world, I'll apologize to all involved.

The thing is, if I'm the only one worried, why did his ass get banned everywhere but here? I know, I'm too serious, they're only reps...I'm just paranoid.

I'll be last one to give a shit about what some overwound paneristi thinks about anything, but the fact remains that he was playing with fire when he went there to fuck with them and he got burned. It's not about trying to sell reps as gens or about posting pics of 'homage' (spelled R E P anyway you look at it) watches. It boils down to the fact of his stirring the pot with those assholes. If it causes ANYONE here problems, that'll be one person too many IMHO. Why exactly did he have to do it? Anyone remember his posts laughing about what he did? He got what he deserved.