Anyone seen this yet? Wondering if that bezel is ceramic...
Anyone seen this yet? Wondering if that bezel is ceramic...
Hour hand is wrong isn't it? Reverse problem that the v1 noob subs suffer from. lol, always something...
I saw this and nearly went for it, but thought I'd wait for a review on here to ensure the bezel is ceramic and it is better than the $250 'fun' version being offered by another TD...
I love the GMT2c and this is my favourite bezel, so this watch is firmly on my To Buy list
Me too, but i gonna wait for a update with correct hour hands for sure, or maybe wait for an other maker to make one, maybe noob could make a new gmt with the finish of the expII or the new subc... that would be really awesome!!
There is a BP Factory version, that is already significantly better than what we have seen until now. QC images:
Something very important to know!
The insert is all blue ceramic. The black part is a coating. Told to me by Andrew.
So interesting to know how fast it picks up scratches and what the durability is.
Not surprising, this is how they did the fantasy pepsi and coke ceramics too (black insert with red part coated/painted on) - Most people who own those have said it holds up pretty well, so there is that.