Thanks guys for your helpful advice. As far as I understand currently both have their pros and cons and it seems that there will be an improved version from the noob factory?! So it´s worth to wait?
Well.... Once again, read carefully. There are a lot of people claiming they WANT a V-2, but I have not read nor heard from anyone who would be the person making that decision that
1. It is going to happen or
2. There is any need for it to happen
Again, the posts that I have read claiming the need for a V-2 were all from people who didn't even own the watch and were just repeating hearsay. What reason is there for the noob factory to make a V-2?
The noob 243L is an excellent Rep. As far as the lume goes I see a lot of people guessing based on one owners perception that he didn't get C-3. Everyone else who owns the watch seems pretty satisfied.
The Cannon pin? Angus said the watches shipped before the CNY were supposed to have the correct polished CP. Some miscommunication and they were shipped with brushed CP's. He said this will be corrected.
The crooked bezel markers? Again, Angus said this will be corrected.
DOA movements? Nothing new.
Let's face it. We're buying faked watches here. They weren't made in Neuchâtel Switzerland with an entire quality control division looking over the finished product. You have to understand that mistakes will be found, variances will ocurr and yes, a few bad ones are likely to slip through, ESPECIALLY when a new watch hits the market.
Look at the facts, not something someone said that they heard from someone who heard from someone who knew someone who actually owned the watch.
From what I have been able to discern, so far, the only issues with the noob 243L have been minor, the dealer is aware of these and has stated they will be taken care of. So why would there be a need for a V-2?
It appears most of the hearsay started from one persons review of his noob and a H version 243L. I do not doubt the truth of his own observations, but given that just about every other post I have read regarding the noob 243L done by an owner is completely contrary to the guy who had the "Bad" watch, do you think maybe, just maybe a bad one slipped through?
Quite a few people seemed to jump the gun calling for a V-2 when it looked pretty obvious to me that a little time is needed to figure out what is going on. Right now, given that it looks to me like only one guy is complaining, couldn't it just be that he got a crappy one? As more people purchase the watch, we will know for sure, but I wouldn't light the torches and circle the wagons just yet