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Need help picking one


Known Member
I'd wait and buy a 312 or 005m. Might cost double but looks 1000x better


Renowned Member
Might cost double but looks 1000x better



Known Member
this would be my first rep so i am just trying to get my feet wet. So out of the two which one would you pick?



I'm Pretty Popular
I've noticed a disturbing trend where newcomers are being discouraged from buying entry-level reps. OP didn't ask what he should buy for DOUBLE the money; just which of the two he offered is better.
This community used to be full of encouragement for ANY first/early rep purchase, but the ever-increasing snobbery against budget reps (especially Pams) is really pissing me off.

Help the man start at a price point he can afford. It's his choice whether he can or will move up to higher-grade stuff later on. My first Pam was $49 from a TD here. Yes, I have Pams that are many, many times more expensive than that now - but I never would have if I hadn't bought that cheap one first.

To the OP, neither one is very accurate, but is it your intention to try to pass it off to a Panerai AD as a gen? If not (God I hope not) then just buy whichever you like the looks of, and rock it as hard as you want.

I'm fed up with people thinking if you can't afford to spend more than $100 on a rep then you don't need to be in the hobby. That's the same elitist bullshit that gen owners use against us; there's no place for it here. Period.

OP, good luck with whichever you choose. I hope your foray into the rep world is a happy one for you.



Known Member
If you spend the extra getting a better one and don't end up liking it you can just sell it in the watch sales and possibly lose 20$. It isn't like you have to buy the cheaper one for 90$ and if you end up hating it then you lose all your money. Might as well save up and do it right the first time in my opinion


Mythical Poster

I know we had this out in another thread, but I don't agree with you. The OP asked what people thought of the watch he linked. People gave honest answers with the recommendation that for a little bit of patience and saving he could have something so much better. I have to agree with them. Are they telling him that he should start collecting parts to build an $800 franken vintage? No, just that the one he chose probably isn't the best option and that for a little more he could have a great rep rather than a mediocre one.

People come here for advice and in return they get exactly that. The opinions of a vast amount of individual collectors. A great PAM can be had for $200. To get the same level of great watch in a lot of other brands you have to spend a lot more than that. A $80 Rolex is not going to be great, but like you said, it's an entry point. However absolutely nothing will stop me from highlighting that it's not a great rep. If the OP only has a specific budget and at no point in the future is that going to increase then fair enough, he has to accept that the quality and accuracy is not going to be super. But I'll echo the others, wait a bit, save a bit, and for a bit more investment you will get a lot more watch. Don't we keep saying that this hobby is about patience? Then patience is what the OP needs.

To the OP: If you want it, buy it. Just be aware that at the lower end of the price range you get what you pay for. Patience will reward you greatly.


Renowned Member
Anopsis don't get me wrong... I'm not a snob or a rep elitist (if that exists...).. And I also started with a cheap Hublot quartz rep (from a TD dealer I must say..) ... When I bought it I didn't knew this forum or any other rep forum so I haven't any advice from anyone.. Just bought it whithout knowing nothing about reps.... Nowadays I wish I had any good advice before buying that bad cheap rep... That cheapie rep was 158$ (including shipping) in the trash... I'd never bought it if I knew anything about reps or if someone had told me not to do it.....

Now I'm glad to know a little (just a little) about reps (thanks to this forum and all members and experts that write here). And when I (or other member) say stay away from cheap bad reps is not snobism.. is just a good advice IMHO. So i'm saying it again : Don't waste your money on bad reps.

I'm not saying buy a 700$ V1 HBB but for 268$ you get a nice V1 Lite... And don't need to spend 900$ on a top modded PAM rep or 320$ on a DSN PAM... but for 180$ you get a nice 111J and for 218$ you get a very good 005K ...

At the end of the day it's your choice.


Known Member
Thanks everybody, what I am trying to do is to check the seller, first and foremost. I know there are a lot of positive reviews on silix but until I get my first order I am hesitant to spend a large amount of money. So that is the main reason for staying under $100. I do understand that a $70 rep will in no way look or feel like a $6000 watch. So by looking at silix do you guys see anything that maybe better than the two I referenced for around $100?


In a Causal Loop
What do you guys think? which is closest to gen? i know for the price they are not going to be perfect but out of the two which would you prefer?

thank you



Your first choice is a 44mm case size. Your second choice looks to be a 40mm. Of the two, the second is the best. It looks like a rep of the PAM 048. However, if you are looking to get a size feel for a 44mm PAM, the second one is not the way to go.

In the end, pick the one you like.


I'm Pretty Popular
I'll preface my comments below by stating a couple of facts: 1) I was tired and irritated anyway last night, so I apologize for being a bit crass in my post - however, the details of the post still stand as accurate. 2) I was not directly referring to anyone's behavior on this board; just a general trend I've seen from mainly new(er) members. Bonesey, contrary to what you believe, I have not "had it out with you" in any thread (including this one) and have no desire to. You're OK in my book. Now, on to my rebuttal. ;)

The OP asked what people thought of the watch he linked. People gave honest answers

People come here for advice and in return they get exactly that.

The above two statements highlight my disagreement. The OP asked a specific question (which of the two he posted were closest to gen) and NO ONE (including me) actually answered his question until Fiddo did at POST #11.
When someone has a choice of A or B, telling them they should just buy C isn't really all that helpful.

However absolutely nothing will stop me from highlighting that it's not a great rep.

And absolutely nothing should. There is nothing wrong with informing someone that the watch they are looking at is generally considered to be sub-par, as long as it's handled in an appropriate manner.

If the OP only has a specific budget and at no point in the future is that going to increase then fair enough, he has to accept that the quality and accuracy is not going to be super.

The OP never said either way, so I work from the assumption that his offering of $60-$70 reps indicate a severely restricted budget.

If a person is limited for whatever reason to low-budget reps, telling them up front that they can't afford to play this game, and nothing they CAN afford will be anything but junk really sucks. No, this was not said in this thread, but the gist was borrowed from another. ;) Being responded to this way would've prevented me from ever buying my first rep, let alone become a fixture around here. :facepalm:

I used to have a job auditing calls at an inbound call center. I was a trainer and it was my job to review calls and educate the agent on how he could improve his performance. It was a support center, so no selling or anything, just tweaking the customer-service-interaction type of stuff. I admit that the time spent doing that has colored my view of 'helpful responses' to questions posted.
Had I been lucid enough when I initially posted last night, I would (should) have said to the OP:

Of the two you have presented, the second is slightly more accurate than the first. However, they are both poorly replicated, and much more accurate versions are available in a nearby price range ($100-$110). Take a look at PANS046 and PANS060 for example; they are decent-looking watches priced at $110. (I can't link, but they are in the high-quality watches section of his site).
VERY generally speaking, reps below $100 are of poor quality. In my opinion, watches that are decent to own and look at will start around the $110 mark. There are exceptions in both directions though. You can occasionally find good reps for less, and you can easily find poor(er) quality reps for higher prices. The key is to have patience, research, and ask many, many questions. Begin those questions by asking yourself what your intention is with the watch. Is it just for you to enjoy, something to make you smile when you look at your wrist? Or, are you trying to fool someone who knows the brand? This will dictate whether or not you can be happy with an entry-level rep.

Anyway, good luck to OP on finding your starter watch for what will be an income-consuming hobby. Sorry for hijacking your thread a bit, but in the end I hope it helps point you in the direction you wish (need) to go.

That cheapie rep was 158$ (including shipping) in the trash... I'd never bought it if I knew anything about reps or if someone had told me not to do it.....

I'm sorry you got burned on a poor rep for that much money. I recently bought a fiddy with a swan-neck movement for $135. The quality is as good as any of my higher-priced reps. Additionally, I just received a U-BOAT that was $99. Quality is decent, nothing spectacular for sure, but still OK. In that same order I received a Chanel Marine for a friend; it was the same price. It's a quartz, and in my personal opinion it's junk. I wouldn't have it, but my friend was happy with it.
The point is price alone doesn't dictate the quality of the rep. You have to research and make educated choices.

And when I (or other member) say stay away from cheap bad reps is not snobism.. is just a good advice IMHO. So i'm saying it again : Don't waste your money on bad reps.

It's very true that you shouldn't waste your money on BAD reps. It's just that cheap & bad are NOT always an inseparable pair. Not to mention the subjective nature of the term "cheap", as well as "bad". Some rep owners are highly opinionated and would tell you that a Pam without a swan neck movement is junk. I understand how important that is to some people, but it's not for everyone. This is where you can't just rely on someone saying "don't buy that - it's junk, because I say so". You have to read, read, read and decide what's important to you. Make educated decisions.

I'd never bought it if I knew anything about reps or if someone had told me not to do it.....

So, if I tell you not to buy a watch, you'll follow what I say blindly? Telling someone a watch is junk without explaining WHY you feel that way is useless and becomes nothing but unsubstantiated opinion.
We've always said patience was the watchword in this hobby, but I now believe that's incorrect. Education is paramount; you can take advice from other members, but:

At the end of the day it's your choice.

True, and even moreso:

In the end, pick the one you like.



Renowned Member
I appreciate your reply Apnosis.

About the two watches... #2 looks better than #1.


I'm Pretty Popular
i remember when i was trying to decide on my first rep, i loved the bracelet 030, it reminded me of my gen sub i used to own, i loved that watch.
then later on i got into straps, so to answer your question get both for different days of the week


I'm Pretty Popular
To answer your original question OP, out of the three you postedand strictly on the merits of how the watch looks visually, I'd go for this one:


It's closest to gen out of the three visually:

-On #1 the subseconds hand is waaay off towards the center of the dial
-On #3 the only thing is that it's a 44mm case with the domed "fiddy" glass that signals fantasy rep.

That being said, if the 44mm "mini-fiddy" doesn't bother you then I'd go for the one from Timesshop. I've had the best experiences with Mark and the crew there. Occasionally there's a bit of a stumble but they're quick to fix it in some way. Silix is more of a mixed bag from what I've seen, which is one reason why I haven't ordered from him yet. Remember one of the first rules of rep buying:

Pick your dealer first, and your watch second.

Hope that helps :thumbsup:


Banned member, the goat does not approve
For $100 get the pams from Robert! Can't lose there!

Link to all his Pams!


Hers is the main link to all his watches and info.
Just don't overly ask every little question to him, hes not that kind of dealer, just order what you want from him he will send it asap!
Also, please read his sale rules.


Cheapest Pam I seen thats nice for $79!