I don't know, the phillips screws are not lined up and the six looks crooked?
Q5? Legendary Member Advisor 29/3/09 15,272 7 0 25/5/14 #1 I don't know, the phillips screws are not lined up and the six looks crooked?
S santre22 I'm Pretty Popular 22/3/12 1,646 343 83 25/5/14 #2 The compass is too much south big tell! Also the two second hands seem to be badly synchronized. I would ask for replacement edit: i think it at least 2 or 3 crowns/pushers are missing also.
The compass is too much south big tell! Also the two second hands seem to be badly synchronized. I would ask for replacement edit: i think it at least 2 or 3 crowns/pushers are missing also.
R Rudy40 Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 6/10/12 9,373 0 0 25/5/14 #3 PM sent with intent! To anal! I will take it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
frigpig Ghost of Sales Mod Past Advisor 16/8/09 7,845 76 48 25/5/14 #5 I'd be asking why there is an extra crown and 3 extra pushers first Q!