- 7/12/20
- 201
- 131
- 43
- About
- Zegna Orange Garment-Dyed Stretch Linen and Cotton Five-Pocket Jeans, size 31
- Location
- London
- Willing to Ship to?
- UK / EU
- High Value Above $750
- No
- Accepted Payment Methods?
- PayPal FF
- Piece Origin?
- China
- Why Are You Selling?
- Already own a similar colour
- Asking Price?
- 40
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- Shipping Costs?
- UK - 5 / EU - 8
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I bought 3 pairs in different colours and decided not to keep this one because I have others similar to this one.
Beautiful pair of jeans, made out of linen and cotton and feel very nice to the touch and are very nicely sewn without any loose threads.
This is the original version and you can see, everything is the same including the materials used which is extremely rare for any factory.
Waist - 41cm
Length - 102cm
End of leg opening - 17cm
Beautiful pair of jeans, made out of linen and cotton and feel very nice to the touch and are very nicely sewn without any loose threads.
This is the original version and you can see, everything is the same including the materials used which is extremely rare for any factory.
Zegna/杰尼亚 橙色成衣染色弹力亚麻及棉五口袋牛仔裤 UBP16A5-CITYX-521
Zegna/杰尼亚橙色成衣染色弹力亚麻及棉五口袋牛仔裤 UBP16A5-CITYX-521的图片、介绍和价格等信息
Waist - 41cm
Length - 102cm
End of leg opening - 17cm