I saw my first gen Pam. And was quite surprised to see that the AR coating had a tint of yellow on it. Is it only on selected models that have a yellow tint? OR do all gen Pams have a yellow tinit on the AR coasting?
My gen 210 has a very light blue tint to it if you catch it at just the right angle. Honestly, the AR on the gens is so slight, it would probably be less of a tell to not have any AR on the reps at all. :lol:
Pizzanooo, if you ever want to sell that 000, let me know. That's next on my list. :wink:
I understand many of the newer gen models have the yellow AR. They also go all over the place with some factory runs in yellow and others in blue. If anyone sends their gen in for repair the original crystals are replaced with blue AR. I agree that no AR is probably closest to gen for a rep.
Some guys over at RWG are making custom group buys on the yellow color AR specific to the PAM's. I think they come from Europe and are quite impressive.