All right. I have ordered my first PAM, an asian 111H, from Andrew. I have heard that buying a proper strap is a must since replicas usually comes with cheaper ones.
I really like the look of Bobs Vertigo Coconut strap, but I worry about it being too long for my 6.5" wrist. What do you guys think? Will a Vertigo 120/75 be too long? Is there a shorter strap in the same style/quality available from an other dealer?
/Delle (Sweden)
I really like the look of Bobs Vertigo Coconut strap, but I worry about it being too long for my 6.5" wrist. What do you guys think? Will a Vertigo 120/75 be too long? Is there a shorter strap in the same style/quality available from an other dealer?
/Delle (Sweden)