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Who we are and what we do

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TWM Concierge 1

Getting To Know The Place
Section Moderator
Your dream watch journey begins here.

We are a vendor, supported by a team of watch modders, who run The Watch Mansion, a section in RWI dedicated toward the growing world of modded and custom builds. We share what is possible with watches in today’s world, and we do it in a trusted environment. Here, we will share various examples of builds with you, and you can ask any question on modifications, customizations and what is legit and what isn’t. Please do note that we do not comment on builds offered by other vendors, as a matter of courtesy as each vendor has its own field of specialty. But we will try our best to educate the community on watch modification, custom whole watches and what is possible and what isn’t in the context of today’s hobby. So we seek to educate as well as share our insight into this growing and exciting world, in the midst of often contradicting and confusing information. We do not claim to be always correct especially when the changes are fast-paced and dynamic. But we promise that whatever we share, it will be to the best of our knowledge. Please remember that like you, we are also always learning and will ask that you be patient and kind with us as well.

Of course, we exist to take on build requests as well, and this is what we can do for you:

- Order and supply stock factory watches from the usual factories like ZF, Clean, APSF etc

- Supply modified watches upon request.

- Supply fully custom builds, including precious metal (gold, platinum) and diamond and precious stone builds

- Source and supply genuine and aftermarket horological parts

- Repair, maintain and upgrade watches sent in by you

- Provide authentication of genuine watches and parts

- If you desire genuine watches, we can source and supply them as well.

We will appreciate your trust and support, and seek to establish ourselves not just as a trusted vendor, but also a knowledge and resources bridge to help you attain your dream build, while being realistic with you on the limits of what is possible and what is not. Often, owners paying for a full custom build will expect it to be 1:1 upon completion but this is generally not the case, and we are here to highlight the differences so that you can be fully aware of what you are paying for. We believe in building watches which are believable in real life for most situations, and not ones which are necessarily suitable for watchmaker or loupe scrutiny. We build watches to look and feel good on the wrist and not for owners to pass them off as genuine luxury brand watches. Remember that ultimately, this is a hobby and passion for us and we look forward to being part of your dream watch story. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and to serve you.

The Watch Mansion
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Getting To Know The Place
Il tuo viaggio nell'orologio da sogno inizia qui.

Siamo un fornitore, supportato da un team di modder di orologi, che gestisce The Watch Mansion, una sezione di RWI dedicata al mondo in crescita delle build modificate e personalizzate. Condividiamo ciò che è possibile fare con gli orologi nel mondo di oggi e lo facciamo in un ambiente affidabile. Qui condivideremo con te vari esempi di build e potrai porre qualsiasi domanda su modifiche, personalizzazioni e cosa è legittimo e cosa non lo è. Tieni presente che non commentiamo le build offerte da altri fornitori, per motivi di cortesia poiché ogni fornitore ha il proprio campo di specializzazione. Ma faremo del nostro meglio per educare la comunità sulla modifica degli orologi, sugli orologi interi personalizzati e su cosa è possibile e cosa non lo è nel contesto dell'hobby di oggi. Cerchiamo quindi di educare e condividere la nostra visione di questo mondo in crescita ed entusiasmante, nel mezzo di informazioni spesso contraddittorie e confuse. Non pretendiamo di essere sempre corretti soprattutto quando i cambiamenti sono rapidi e dinamici. Ma promettiamo che qualunque cosa condivideremo, sarà al meglio delle nostre conoscenze. Ricorda che, come te, anche noi stiamo sempre imparando e ti chiederemo di essere paziente e gentile anche con noi.

Naturalmente, esistiamo anche per accogliere richieste di build, e questo è ciò che possiamo fare per te:

- Ordina e fornisci orologi di fabbrica dalle solite fabbriche come ZF, Clean, APSF ecc

- Fornitura di orologi modificati su richiesta.

- Fornire costruzioni completamente personalizzate, comprese costruzioni in metalli preziosi (oro, platino) e diamanti e pietre preziose

- Acquistare e fornire parti di orologeria originali e aftermarket

- Ripara, mantieni e aggiorna gli orologi da te inviati

- Fornire l'autenticazione di orologi e parti originali

- Se desideri orologi autentici, possiamo procurarci e fornirti anche quelli.

Apprezzeremo la vostra fiducia e il vostro supporto e cercheremo di affermarci non solo come un fornitore di fiducia, ma anche come un ponte di conoscenze e risorse per aiutarvi a realizzare la costruzione dei vostri sogni, pur essendo realistici con voi sui limiti di ciò che è possibile e di ciò che è non. Spesso, i proprietari che pagano per una build completamente personalizzata si aspettano che sia 1:1 al completamento, ma generalmente non è così e siamo qui per evidenziare le differenze in modo che tu possa essere pienamente consapevole di ciò per cui stai pagando. Crediamo nella costruzione di orologi credibili nella vita reale per la maggior parte delle situazioni, e non necessariamente adatti al controllo dell'orologiaio o della lente di ingrandimento. Costruiamo orologi affinché abbiano un bell'aspetto e si sentano bene al polso e non affinché i proprietari li spacciano per autentici orologi di marca di lusso. Ricorda che, in definitiva, questo è un hobby e una passione per noi e non vediamo l'ora di far parte della storia dell'orologio dei tuoi sogni. Grazie per l'opportunità di lavorare con voi e di servirvi.

Il palazzo dell'orologio
Im interest buy omega 007 you have? Thanks Riccardo

TWM Concierge 1

Getting To Know The Place
Section Moderator
Hello guys !
Do you have also a web site or atelegram or whatapp group to choose and to see the watches ?
Thanks a lot!
I am new here.🤷🏿‍♂️🙏
Hello, we do not have any website. Any watch builds that you require, you may drop me a PM or email and I will reply accordingly. Thank you.
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Known Member
Gold Patron
HI @TWM Concierge 1

I'm CONUS based and have about half a dozen APs that are in various stages of service/repair needed. One of them is a AP Grand Prix Zorro:

The watch was dropped and damaged the date wheel.
I have far too many watches and instead of fixing them, I've just bought replacements but trying to be more responsible and would like to send over 6-8 watches and ge them all serviced. Would this be an option?
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TWM Concierge 1

Getting To Know The Place
Section Moderator
Do you ship to Europe using triangular shipping ?
There is no more triangular shipping now, for countries with strict customs, what we can do will be to ship via registered post in 2 small packages separating the watch head and bracelet. Thank you.
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I'm Pretty Popular
49°50′34.8″N 9°54′07.4″E
There is no more triangular shipping now, for countries with strict customs, what we can do will be to ship via registered post in 2 small packages separating the watch head and bracelet. Thank you.
Just out of curiosity, what if the rep is seized by the Custom, or lost during mailing? Please don't take this as a challenging question.


I'm Pretty Popular
Just out of curiosity, what if the rep is seized by the Custom, or lost during mailing? Please don't take this as a challenging question.
i meAn It’s a good question, Singapore is pretty safe to ship out of customs wise especially with the head and band separate


I'm Pretty Popular
49°50′34.8″N 9°54′07.4″E

i meAn It’s a good question, Singapore is pretty safe to ship out of customs wise especially with the head and band separate
I am not so sure since I live in Germany, where our Custom is packed with crazy mofos who are determined to check every single parcel and grab as much as they can like they can have a share of the bonus. Those mofos haul me all the way to their office for a hoodie I bought from Korea weeks ago, it's not some designer label, just a hundred-dollar hoodie...
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TWM Concierge 1

Getting To Know The Place
Section Moderator
We have did this small package shipping to country with strict custom clearance and so far we have not faced any issue with custom confiscating the watch as we shipped safely. last time there is triangular shipping but now there isnt anymore so the only way for us to do so will be by the 2 small packages via registered post. Thank you.

Below is one of our Q&A.

Q: What if my package is lost or seized by customs?

A: All outbound shipping from TWM will be via registered post unless otherwise discussed and agreed. We can arrange for triangular shipment if the shipment address has strict custom clearance. But please be aware that we will not be accountable for customs seizure or losses due to the postal system since this is something out of our control. However, we will do everything we can or within our means to help solve the situation.
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