Good day to all.
I have a question for forum users, does anyone know any information about this replica store:
He site indicates that it and production are in Hong Kong. And not like other factories in Guangzhou. There are many replica models in this store. There are no watches in other stores. Very interesting models. Prices are slightly higher than in other stores and dealers, but they say that watch has a Swiss movement, then price is not quite high, taking into account fact that such watch models are not on sale anywhere else. A lot of models that are not found anywhere else on sale. Can a photo of watch be made from Gen? They have one photo for each Watch model, additional photos will be sent upon request. No one owns information.
Is this Not a fraudulent store and website?
If someone owns information or maybe someone bought a Watch in this store, it would be interesting to listen to your opinion.
I have a question for forum users, does anyone know any information about this replica store:
He site indicates that it and production are in Hong Kong. And not like other factories in Guangzhou. There are many replica models in this store. There are no watches in other stores. Very interesting models. Prices are slightly higher than in other stores and dealers, but they say that watch has a Swiss movement, then price is not quite high, taking into account fact that such watch models are not on sale anywhere else. A lot of models that are not found anywhere else on sale. Can a photo of watch be made from Gen? They have one photo for each Watch model, additional photos will be sent upon request. No one owns information.
Is this Not a fraudulent store and website?
If someone owns information or maybe someone bought a Watch in this store, it would be interesting to listen to your opinion.