Howdy fellas
Its been awhile since moving to AP from PAMs
After 1 year since i got my 112,
kinda feel like annoyed of my 112N sapphire crystal by it looks and a blur effect if see from certain angle esp from side
i ever read and believe that this kind of thing is one of the flaw on our pam super rep (111,112,005,etc)
Im willing to get and pay crystal that really close to the gen
Is it possible to get so called "Gen-like" crystal for it and how much it will be?
also would like to know gen crystal price too if u guys know any info
Helps appreciated
Its been awhile since moving to AP from PAMs
After 1 year since i got my 112,
kinda feel like annoyed of my 112N sapphire crystal by it looks and a blur effect if see from certain angle esp from side
i ever read and believe that this kind of thing is one of the flaw on our pam super rep (111,112,005,etc)
Im willing to get and pay crystal that really close to the gen
Is it possible to get so called "Gen-like" crystal for it and how much it will be?
also would like to know gen crystal price too if u guys know any info
Helps appreciated