dont know a great deal about it tbh but specifically after a black ceramic sub with new style flip clasp and more interested in aesthetics being as spot on as possible than replicating every technical detail. Prices vary wildly as well so if u can offer any opinion as to what one should be paying for a quality replica it would be gratefully received :nerd:
You would do yourself a world of good by swinging by the rolex subforum and looking around. The information available is amazing.
Here's the secret: THERE IS NO BEST SUB
There's only the best sub for your needs. You can spend thousands (not hyperbole) on a sub rep with mods and gen parts. You can also spend ~$150. What "level" of gen-acity (I just coined this word and am now planning on copyrighting it so all you other jerks back off
) you are looking for and what price you are willing to pay is something only you can answer. The best way to figure that out is by reading. The sub is literally the most discussed, researched, and written over rep in the game. There's no way you won't find the answers you're looking for.