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what movement holder do you use?


Active Member
I admittedly bought a cheap case holder online and paid the price last night when I fumbled with it and wrecked my new insert while working on my UPO. I'll spare you the details. Now I have a couple movements I need to set the hands and dont want to make the same mistake again so I need a decent movement holder.

I've been searching ofrei but havent been able to make a definitive choice. I did find this: [FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Univers,Zurich BT]AF Movement Holder 185.140.861 for $36 http://www.ofrei.com/page1005.html

I'm happy to hear thoughts/recommendations.


Rob B

You're Saying I Can Sell?
From my experiences the holders made for specific movements r best, but if u have to save and need something a little more universal. Check out burgeons adjustable 2s. Still have 2 b careful.

Rob B

You're Saying I Can Sell?
I'm no expert tho, self taught, so chances are much of what I do could be wrong :p. Burgeon has 1s for $35. Might want 2 check out watch bitz, and other guys around here that sell tools.
The only reason I say that about the universals b/c even the really nice 1s tend 2 wobble once movement is secure.
Do a search in forum for movement holders ect.


Renowned Member
Gold Patron
This is probably an apt discussion, to make some broad points on the quality of tools supplied.
Specifically, we at Watch Bitz, supply 2 various spring loaded movement holders, and a pair of screw style holders.
None of these sell for more than $10.00.
We sell them in their hundreds (and obviously purchase them like wise!)
Now these suit 99% of the shoppers, 99% of the time.
However there are buyers who want and demand the very best...and are prepared to pay for it.
We can source and supply these more expensive items, and usually supply them at prices far below what is offered from stocking agents. But it does take us some time to obtain these items.
So if you have a bit of time available, and wish to save considerable $$, send your requests to us, and we will quote the item to you.

In a similar vein, a lot of these supposed "brand" name items are now being manufactured in China for the "high end" companies, and are sold unbranded or with other branding at far lower prices.
A couple of screwdriver sets we sell are classic examples, one sells as a $50+ /set under its brand name, and below $25 from our site...guaranteed its the same item!
Another $80+ item, we have for a little over $30!
Another large testing item,which previously sold for $1000+ is now selling at under $300...and I have personally seen these being packed into the high end manufacturers boxes! Same /same.
So all is not as it actually seems, either in the area of watches, OR the tools which repair them.
It does take some time and effort to sort the wheat from the chaff however.
This is what we do try to achieve for you guys.

Sorry to thread crap a bit here!
But I felt it was important that all the facts be known.

Please return to normal viewing. :)


Five of Clubs

Renowned Member
I bought my tools from Watchbitz, and they have served me well. I have found that a big part of learning to work on watches is to go slow and be careful at all times! Even the most expensive tools wouldn't have saved me from some of the mistakes I have made...

Buy with confidence from him, many of us have.


Horology Curious
I have exactly that movement holder and it is invaluable when setting hands on the ETA2892/Omega1120 movements (i have worked on a couple of 2892s and 1120s). For general movements i use the Bergeon 4040-P plastic. If you are working on a UPO with a 2824 or 2836 movement you don't need a special movement holder just get a Bergeon 4040 or 4040-P they will do fine.


Or get the watchbitz toolkit it contains a couple of movement holders and hand setting tools (i think?).

Rob B

You're Saying I Can Sell?
Yes, this wasn't my thread, but thx offshore I will certainly b checking out your stuff. Wish I had known a couple mos b4:(.