I would like to sell mz Original 100% wool italian branded Waterville jacket.
I wearing only 1-3 times so the condition is excellent .
The price is 120 euro and the shipping to wolrd wide is 30 euro with tracking and express...
The size is EU.50 or write me pm and i mesaure with cm.
If you have question or offer write me PM.
Tapatalkkal küldve az én SM-G955F eszközömről
I would like to sell mz Original 100% wool italian branded Waterville jacket.
I wearing only 1-3 times so the condition is excellent .
The price is 120 euro and the shipping to wolrd wide is 30 euro with tracking and express...
The size is EU.50 or write me pm and i mesaure with cm.
If you have question or offer write me PM.

Tapatalkkal küldve az én SM-G955F eszközömről