Would you supply us with the eBay link?Check out Rainer on eBay. Excellent for big watches
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Would you supply us with the eBay link?
Just bought a Rainer 12 watch case. No brainer for those that like big watches. Worth the premium over most other Amazon and eBay watch boxes.
Wow, bit out of my price range.Was thinking more the zip up type,slightly padded that hold 2/4/or 8 watches,sort of ones for travelling with.
thats is the type I like.Only 52mm watch size and no ship to UK
now ordered ,cheers guys
Not the best solution (some touch one another) but it certainly keeps them all in one place.
Is this from eBay?
I have three of these. I like the size and the fact it has a nice handle so I can run for it with my watches when the earthquakes hit