so if someone put an order in with a td, and then noticed the factory they bought from had a bonus item with purchase. should one assume they would get the strap? would it be rude to ask the td about it?
Hi buddy
Just ask the TD. Sometimes the VSF Factory or other Factories only provide limited amounts of freebies for their lots they wish to clear.
Whatever the Factory side provide for me, I will pass on to the customers whom i serve. VSF Factory works very closely with me so most likely what you see as freebie, we can get them for you definitely. Some dealers they buy stocks off wholesalers and the wholesalers want to take things cheap so will neglect the freebies to deal at lower prices from Factory.
Hope that answers that. Cheers.
If there is anything we can help you with any queries, please feel free to EMAIL at:
[email protected] or PM us here.
I have been one of the longest standing Trusted Dealer since 2002 - Trusty Time and I am Andrew here.
We hope to be able to serve you soon.
Cheers. Have a nice day.