I am seeing a ton of listings for "VR3135" movements on eBay. Here is an example of one that it appears quite a few people have bought: https://www.ebay.com/itm/303538966150?hash=item46ac550e86:g:vBsAAOSwquxgPMbN
Has anyone here purchased one of these VR3135 movements? How do you think the quality compares to obtaining one through a TD? I know that these movements can be sourced through TDs but eBay is an enticing alternative given the free shipping. I was thinking of swapping out my SH3135 at some point and wanted to plan out some options once it dies on me.
Has anyone here purchased one of these VR3135 movements? How do you think the quality compares to obtaining one through a TD? I know that these movements can be sourced through TDs but eBay is an enticing alternative given the free shipping. I was thinking of swapping out my SH3135 at some point and wanted to plan out some options once it dies on me.