So, here are two valjouxs on identical yet not the price.......
F firnatine Banned member, the goat does not approve Banned 14/8/09 366 0 0 6/9/10 #1 So, here are two valjouxs on identical yet not the price.......
S SMIDSY Respected Member DO NOT TRADE WITH ME 15/9/09 4,413 4 0 7/9/10 #2 okay really though can we get some more pics of the gen movement - basically compared to the swiss 7750 whats tthe difference o.o
okay really though can we get some more pics of the gen movement - basically compared to the swiss 7750 whats tthe difference o.o
madcatlancelot I'm Pretty Popular 21/12/08 1,876 104 63 7/9/10 #4 the first 3 photos of the movement had a very rusty movement holder
S srmd22 Getting To Know The Place 15/5/10 95 0 0 13/9/10 #5 They don't look the same to me. Don't even see the regulator on the MS of the gen.