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UPO 42 too many online!


Known Member
I hope I am not violating any rules by posting here.

I just discovered this forum and I'm so excited about it. Been reading for hours now and I'm a little stuck on this subject.

I want to buy a UPO 42 black and I have read about all the places you can buy one. The only one I could find that seamed like the excellent quality I see here was on trustytime (http://www.ttw168.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=35_114&products_id=9449). Now I just noticed RWI doesn't consider him trusted, so I would like to ask you guys where to buy my black UPO 42 then? I want it to look as good as possible, it is my first rep and it's kind of an exciting event for me.

If my post is inappropriate let me know and I will delete it, I don't mean to offend you guys.


Strap mastermind
Vendor (Strap Maker)
Wellcome on board man, all of our trusted dealers carry those watches i believe. Check this section http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/forumdisplay.php/trusted-replica-dealers-168

My advice would be to choose your dealer, because all the dealers sell pretty much the same watches which are available at the moment on the market. SO you better do some reading about the dealers and then choose the one you like the most.

good luck !


Put Some Respect On My Name
Welcome to the addiction and +1 to SMP's comments.

If you are a first time buyer, Marvellous Replica (a TD on this forum) is good to deal with. Whoever you pick, just let them know you are an RWI member and good luck!


Mythical Poster
Andrew (Trusty Time) & Joshua (Perfect Clones) both have been quality dealers for close to a decade. They both used to be Trusted on just about every forum in rep'dom but they are considered Cartel dealers now, since 2008 really due to some bullshit tatics in price gouging and dealers squeezing. They also both dropship from GZ and are based in Singapore. The Trusted Dealers here on RWI can usually get, if not always get, the same watches as The Cartel. The replica dealer is just a retailer, not a manufacturer....Alot of the time, we send a email to a TD here with the pic and description in the Cartel watch and see of they can get it as well....most of the time its a YES....
Good Luck


Legendary Member
Andrew (Trusty Time) & Joshua (Perfect Clones) both have been quality dealers for close to a decade. They both used to be Trusted on just about every forum in rep'dom but they are considered Cartel dealers now, since 2008 really due to some bullshit tatics in price gouging and dealers squeezing. They also both dropship from GZ and are based in Singapore. The Trusted Dealers here on RWI can usually get, if not always get, the same watches as The Cartel. The replica dealer is just a retailer, not a manufacturer....Alot of the time, we send a email to a TD here with the pic and description in the Cartel watch and see of they can get it as well....most of the time its a YES....
Good Luck

Rob is wise man :)

Buy from a trusted RWI dealer. Most important: If you buy from a trusted RWI dealer you are qualified for possible admin/mod help if a problem should turn up

Mr. Pap

Section Moderator
Section Moderator
Gentlemen above covered me. Only one thing left to mention, there is not such a thing as UPO 42mm.

There is the UPO which is 45.5 and there is the latest 5th generetaion PO 42mm.

Welcome to the forum and great first watch choice!


Known Member
The reason I thought there was a 42 UPO is because the websites all mention 42 'ultimate edition'. That's what confused me.

So I am considering buying this one from puretime:

Does this one match the gen as much as the UPO does? I might go Franken too, but I really want my first one to be as good as possible for a rep. Really appreciate your help and looking forward to helping the new noobs as soon as I am as skilled in this as you guys are.

Mr. Pap

Section Moderator
Section Moderator
The reason I thought there was a 42 UPO is because the websites all mention 42 'ultimate edition'. That's what confused me.

So I am considering buying this one from puretime:

Does this one match the gen as much as the UPO does? I might go Franken too, but I really want my first one to be as good as possible for a rep. Really appreciate your help and looking forward to helping the new noobs as soon as I am as skilled in this as you guys are.

No worries, thats a mistake we all did and Q5 was there to spank us lol

You better get the one with the asian clone though http://puretime.co/product/planet-ocean-42mm-ultimate-edition-blackwhite-on-ss-bracelet-a2836/ and save yourself 50$, thats the "wisest" choice

Overall its a great rep, small flaws like the pearl,crystal, end links, lume etc etc but i am pretty sure you will love it!

And if you go franken, well we are here to help you...


You better get the one with the asian clone though http://puretime.co/product/planet-ocean-42mm-ultimate-edition-blackwhite-on-ss-bracelet-a2836/ and save yourself 50$, thats the "wisest" choice

Oh no! Lol. I personally think $50 is a great deal for genuine ETA movement, but many people fear that you will get an old or refurbished one.

if you want the ETA movement, first ask PureTime if the factory making the watch uses new or old/refurbished ETAs. If the answer is refurb, then go asian.