A new Outerknown-style strap just popped up on Ali at the following link:
Both the strap and the buckle are unbranded. I messaged the seller and he confirmed no branding. Other than the logo they look very close, but I'm not sure about quality. Size 22mm only. Normally, I'd say "Just add a rep buckle," but that's impossible. These straps are 22mm with no taper, and I've never seen a rep tang buckle in the 22mm size (and I've looked everywhere). Nevertheless, the unbranded buckle on these looks nice enough. I'll probably try one next Ali sale. If anyone has experience with these please post about its quality!
Both the strap and the buckle are unbranded. I messaged the seller and he confirmed no branding. Other than the logo they look very close, but I'm not sure about quality. Size 22mm only. Normally, I'd say "Just add a rep buckle," but that's impossible. These straps are 22mm with no taper, and I've never seen a rep tang buckle in the 22mm size (and I've looked everywhere). Nevertheless, the unbranded buckle on these looks nice enough. I'll probably try one next Ali sale. If anyone has experience with these please post about its quality!