- About
- VSF SMP 300 White Wave Dial
- Location
- UK
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- UK
- High Value Above $750
- No
- Accepted Payment Methods?
- PayPal / Bank Transfer
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- Piece Origin?
- Warranty Provided?
- No
- Item Condition?
- Mint
- Why Are You Selling?
- Doesn't get worn
- Asking Price?
- £350
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- Shipping Costs?
- £0
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Why is this special? well these VSF SMP 300's are notorious for having poor alignment and wonky indices (especially the 12 o'clock markers). After multiple RL's I finally got lucky with this very nice example. Better still it only loses about 2/3 seconds a day.
So if its so great, why am I selling it? Well, it simply doesn't get worn, I have never been a huge fan of white dials, I bought this thinking my mind would change, but still - I'm not a massive fan. However, this watch is simply gorgeous to look at, but that's all I really do - Look and admire it, since purchasing it has just sat in a watch winder so it is in mint condition.
It does not come with the black NATO strap pictured, but does come with the OEM bracelet which is also mint as it has never been worn.
I want this watch to go to someone who is going to actually use it, it seems such a waste to have it sat as an ornament in my watch box.
UK Mainland only please
Watch will be very well packaged and sent Royal Mail Special Delivery [Free]