- About
- Prada Size S Jacket Beige/White
- Location
- UK
- Willing to Ship to?
- UK + ROW (Owner's Risk)
- High Value Above $750
- No
- Accepted Payment Methods?
- PayPal F&F + Bank
- Piece Origin?
- China DhGate
- Why Are You Selling?
- Not my style.
- Asking Price?
- 35GBP
- Currency Accepted?
- Shipping Costs?
- UK £5/£10 RMSD, ROW £25
- Are You Posting Handwritten Tags w/Forum ID and Today's Date?
- Yes
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- Yes
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- Yes
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- Yes
Selling it because i wasnt very happy with the quality. It is still alright, the fabric is fine but the details give it away, it has plastic accessories for instance. It is quite warm and functional though, if you dont mind the detail you can put it to good use for day to day life. It also has quite a 'boxy' fit, i'd say you should get it if you usually wear M/L (or are borderline M/L).
100% Will go to charity (excl. shipping fees off). I will post off the charity donation once payment is made here. Consider paying extra and pick a charity!
100% Will go to charity (excl. shipping fees off). I will post off the charity donation once payment is made here. Consider paying extra and pick a charity!