So with a new 372 O ZF p.3000 clone in hand I have come to a fork in the road. Let a nice vintage plexi patina slowly form over time adding to the vintage DNA of the 372 or keep it in a polished state and give it a touch up with poly watch whenever I get a scratch.
Things to consider:
How long should this v3 p.3000 clone movement run in its dry state before stopping? id hate to achieve that perfect vintage crystal look at 2 years then to have it die.
How often do you guys scratch your Pam plexis? Iv had mine about two weeks and managed to get a small scrape, not very visible from an arms length but can be felt with a finger nail.
Things to consider:
How long should this v3 p.3000 clone movement run in its dry state before stopping? id hate to achieve that perfect vintage crystal look at 2 years then to have it die.
How often do you guys scratch your Pam plexis? Iv had mine about two weeks and managed to get a small scrape, not very visible from an arms length but can be felt with a finger nail.