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Three Omegas, Three Dealers in Three Weeks


Horology Curious
About three weeks ago I ordered three watches from three recommended dealers – the 42mm Planet Ocean from Narikaa, a Bond SMP from WBK Time, and a SMP 300 black dial from Hont.


Dealer Service

All dealers performed admirably in terms of service, with all watches arriving in good order and faster than expected; within 7-10 days to Melbourne, Australia. Communication was fantastic from all dealers, with a slight edge going to the native English speakers, WBK Time and Narikaa. Payment options were also a painless exercise from both dealers. That said, I would definitely use Hont again having finally set up a Western Union account.

The Watches

POrikka: I love this watch and it still gets a lot of wrist time. I’m so impressed with the build quality that I’m considering getting black bezel with an ETA clone just to see if I get a better watch for the extra cost.

I wrote a short review here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=57606


Bond SMP First Impressions: The POrikka was my first rep and consequently the watches that followed were judged by the standard set by this one. I’d read glowing reviews about the Bond SMP before pulling the trigger so I had high expectations about this rep, perhaps too high.

I noticed two things immediately upon opening the package from Stan:

The dial & bezel colour was not the deep cyan blue you see in most pics, but a dark navy (roughly Pantone 289C) in the flesh. Interestingly, upon photographing the watch it seems to bring out the “cyan†colour that is not evident with the naked eye. However a trip to an AD confirmed that the colour is indeed identical to the gen.


The second thing that struck me was the lume dot on the bezel, which was like a ripe zit ready to pop. After a few days I ended up scraping off the excess lume with a sharp blade so it was at least flush to the bezel recess – (my first mod!?!)

The next thing I noticed was the sloppy lume application, which appeared fuzzy even without the aid of a loupe, no doubt because of the strong wave pattern on the dial. The hands are a tad short, but nothing to worry about. Nor was I particularly concerned about the incorrect helium valve placement.

Setting the time and date the crown felt tight and “grittyâ€. It will be interesting to see how long this lasts or if this is how Chinese movements are supposed to be. However, over the last few weeks it’s been keeping good time.

Over all, I’m relatively satisfied with this purchase, especially after squeezing that zit on the bezel!

SMP 300 First Impressions: This is the least convincing rep of the trio, but I can’t say I wasn’t forewarned. Despite reading that there were no really reps of this particular Omega, I thought I’d buy one anyway, simply because I’ve always liked this model.

When it arrived I must say I was not overly impressed with the thick mucus green lume conflicting with the comparitively white hands of this watch. To add insult to injury, the lume is almost non-existent and I would have preferred no lume at all so long as it matched the hands.

The bracelet also felt flimsy and unsubstantial compared to the others, and the clasp was difficult to close and remain closed. However, a friend from work took a liking to it despite it’s flaws and bought it from me. So I guess I have more cash to play with!

In conclusion I’m pretty happy with my first rep purchases, and look forward to buying more in future. In many ways this site has given me a greater appreciation for my gens and the forger’s art. I hope this has proved helpful to some noobs out there, and once again thanks to the learned gentlemen on this site.



Mythical Poster
Is it me or can anyone else not see pics?


Active Member
i can't see the pics either but thanks for sharing your opinion and thoughts about your purchases


Mythical Poster
Thanks for the post and info!

And yes, you should fix the pics. :)


I'm Pretty Popular
Hi shadow,

I hope you don't mind me fixing your thread's photos, for all of us to see. :D

Below: Shadow's photo's of his three musketeers.




Best regards,


Legendary Member
Thanks for fixing the pictures madcat. I am happy to see that you are glad with your purchases. However, I would like to comment that all 3 watches have flaws. To name the most glaring, wrong He valve position. This has been the easiest tell of the not-so-good Omega non chronograph SMP based model.

Having said that, the most important thing is you are happy with the watch. Good luck on your next replica purchase.

PS: Actually you will be better of with current Omega UPO rep. If budget is your concern, get the Asian clone of ETA movement. daytona4me will be the guy to approach.


Horology Curious
Thanks guys, for all the comments.

Hi Taka, I did notice the incorrect HE valve placement but just assumed that all Omega reps had this problem so didn't bother regurgitating the same info. Which brings me to a couple of questions about reps:

1) If reps are made in batches, is it a case of purchasing at the right time to secure the best rep version, ie, when they are most popular/released? (I noticed that By-Tor's review of his 2006 SMP rep, for example, appears better finished than mine).

2) Are rep versions with ETA clones generally better finished/closer to the gen? Do you get what you pay for?

I look forward to your replies :D

And many thanks for fixing the pics, madcatlancelot. Not up to Pix's (or others) standards I'm afraid, but all i had was my little compact. :oops:
Is there a thread on uploading pics? I don't know what happened. I assumed all you needed to do was click "Img" and enter the link from Flickr.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Thanks guys, for all the comments.

Hi Taka, I did notice the incorrect HE valve placement but just assumed that all Omega reps had this problem so didn't bother regurgitating the same info. Which brings me to a couple of questions about reps:

1) If reps are made in batches, is it a case of purchasing at the right time to secure the best rep version, ie, when they are most popular/released? (I noticed that By-Tor's review of his 2006 SMP rep, for example, appears better finished than mine).

2) Are rep versions with ETA clones generally better finished/closer to the gen? Do you get what you pay for?

I look forward to your replies :D

And many thanks for fixing the pics, madcatlancelot. Not up to Pix's (or others) standards I'm afraid, but all i had was my little compact. :oops:
Is there a thread on uploading pics? I don't know what happened. I assumed all you needed to do was click "Img" and enter the link from Flickr.

**bump** ... I'm also interested in hearing responses to question 1) above. Thank you


Looking Around
Okay...fairly newbie/longtime lurker question. I am surprised that no one mentioned the PO bezel and how the marker/pearl is off centre. (Maybe I need to go through a few more forum reviews on this.) I did a quick scan of gens then other rep sites and this seems a fairly common error across the board vs. the gen (no surprise as I at least know a lot of the dealers source from same/similar "factories"). Am I missing something or is it just something that everyone accepts as screaming rep and mods later?
I'm not sure my OCD would tolerate :p


You're Saying I Can Sell?
The pearl is something that is never right. So much detail can be captured in these reps and something as small as the luminous pearl is always messed up. Genuine Planet Ocean bezel is not cheap either...