any input is it worth it? i am tempted but not 100% sure please help thanks Marino
Virpag I'm Pretty Popular Supporter Certified 26/3/13 2,649 723 113 New York 26/8/13 #1 any input is it worth it? i am tempted but not 100% sure please help thanks Marino
oracle202 Renowned Member 1/4/13 947 0 16 26/8/13 #2 In a word, yes. And um those are extremely hard to come by right now so I wouldn't be surprised if it sold within the time it took you to post this question.
In a word, yes. And um those are extremely hard to come by right now so I wouldn't be surprised if it sold within the time it took you to post this question.
J jaykay Getting To Know The Place 1/5/13 74 0 0 26/8/13 #4 Love mine and prefer the dial and destro cg over the fiddy 127 Tapatalk post!