The five stages of Replica buying.
1. DENIAL --- What's the first thing you do? First you try to Shake it. When that doesn’t work you shake it again! And again. You may check to make sure the movement is in the watch, hand wind it for a bit and then..., try shaking it again.
2. ANGER --- "%$@^##& Replica!", "I knew I should have stuck to Seikos." Did you hand wind the watch? Did you shake it again? I have. "I should just leave you out in the rain and let you rust."
3. BARGAINING --- (realizing that you're going to have to pay to ship it back to BFC (Bum F@#k China) or worse GOK (God Only Knows)..., "Oh please Watch, if you will just work I'll buy you a brand new strap from Elazarus, no two straps, genuine crown installed, and keep you in perfect working condition.
4. DEPRESSION --- "Oh God, what am I going to do? I'm never going to get a watch that works. I give up. I’m going back to eBay and I don't really care any more. What's the use".
5. ACCEPTANCE --- "Ok. It's dead. Guess I had better E-Mail my dealer. Time to get on with my day; I'll deal with this later."
1. DENIAL --- What's the first thing you do? First you try to Shake it. When that doesn’t work you shake it again! And again. You may check to make sure the movement is in the watch, hand wind it for a bit and then..., try shaking it again.
2. ANGER --- "%$@^##& Replica!", "I knew I should have stuck to Seikos." Did you hand wind the watch? Did you shake it again? I have. "I should just leave you out in the rain and let you rust."
3. BARGAINING --- (realizing that you're going to have to pay to ship it back to BFC (Bum F@#k China) or worse GOK (God Only Knows)..., "Oh please Watch, if you will just work I'll buy you a brand new strap from Elazarus, no two straps, genuine crown installed, and keep you in perfect working condition.
4. DEPRESSION --- "Oh God, what am I going to do? I'm never going to get a watch that works. I give up. I’m going back to eBay and I don't really care any more. What's the use".
5. ACCEPTANCE --- "Ok. It's dead. Guess I had better E-Mail my dealer. Time to get on with my day; I'll deal with this later."